How do i get handwarmers on Apex bars to work on my Viper


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Osceola, WI
Last winter I hit a deer. bought the sled back and rebuild. Bought 06 apex bars for it. From the apex to the viper are two different switches to plug them together for handwarmers. Whats the best way to wire the handwarmers so they work.

three are a few people here running them so I am sure that you will find your answer. when you do get an answer and get it done, post up a how to please :) been wanting one for a while now and it would make a great addition to the tech pages! good luck!
Use the yellow/red as the power and the black as the ground. Cut off the connectors on the sled and the Apex bars.Wire them in series. Yellow/red to left warmer, left warmer out to right warmer annd right warmer to ground. This will keep you very close to the factory grip specs. If you wire them up in parallel they will get smokin hot and you will lose power to the thumb warmer( atleast thats what happened to me).
You will also need atlest a 2" rise on the bars to get to factory height again.
This is a pic of the 07 bars I tried for a while. I used a pivot riser with a 4" ext. Went to 06 bars to get more heat from a smaller grip element.


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stien, thats all the info I have been wanting for a while! do a writeup and maybe we can get it in the tech section :) stil have my 06 bars sitting around waiting, might have to do it and make a writeup myself. but with a dead motor it would be hard to test and see if they work lol!
If I had all the parts I could take some detailed pics and do a short write up on that but I would need to find the old parts first. Its a real simple mod to do. I tested the grips with a car battery with a charger on it to see they would perform.Also used an ohm meter to keep the load within the factory specs as not to try to overload the stator. Not much use to have hot hands while being stranded on a trail somewhere.
If you do happen to use 07 bars they need to be wired in parallel. Meaning the yellow/red goes to one lead of each grip and the black to goes to the other lead of each grip.This keeps the load on the stator the same as the factory grips.
One thing to note on the 07 bars as well, they have the heating element mounted directly to the bars. All the heat is sucked up by the bars before it goes thru the rubber to your hands. I isolated the heating element by using some wire heat shrink tape. I removed the heating element from the bar and then I put the heat shrink tape on first and then the heating element and then the grip. This helps to insulated the heat sucking bars from the element. I also used sprayfoam in the bars. A trick a read up on that BETHEVIPER did.
As far as the risers go, thats just personal preference. The 06-07 bars have less of a step on them than the Viper,Srx or Sx.I believe the diff is somewhere around 2-4". I would need a set of old bars to measure that again to be sure. As you can see in my earlier post the total rise from top to bottom is 6". The was no need to change any cables but I did need to reroute the brake cable slightly to take the tension off of it while turning left.
