Big Blue is teaching me a lesson

sideshowBob said:
Just curious...were you running full synthetic, semi synthetic, or conventional non synthetic"Dyno Oil"?[I don't care what brand it was]
The reason I ask this is I have heard that for crankshaft life it makes a significant difference on the Doos as well as Polaris.

Not sure what was in it. Original oil from when I purchased the sled second hand. This was my first ride out. Previous owner claimed it was BRP oil but I doubt it since it was blue. I assume your believing full synthetic to be best for the crank?


A crank bearing should not go out like that on a new sled no matter what kind of oil you were using. Ive seen yamahas with thousands of miles that have only ran the yamalube or some kind of petroleum based conventional oil
Zachalyse said:
Not sure what was in it. Original oil from when I purchased the sled second hand. This was my first ride out. Previous owner claimed it was BRP oil but I doubt it since it was blue. I assume your believing full synthetic to be best for the crank?

If your the second owner, I now see why it wasnt covered 100% under warranty, I thought you were the original owner/buyer. If you can get them to do it for labor only, better take them up on that,cause the parts are gonna be alot of $$$$ with crank,cases,etc.

Even if this were a yamaha, they would have likely had the same warranty coverage,will cover the parts not the labor because the sleds already been sold/changed hands in the short time its been used.
mrviper700 said:
If your the second owner, I now see why it wasnt covered 100% under warranty, I thought you were the original owner/buyer. If you can get them to do it for labor only, better take them up on that,cause the parts are gonna be alot of $$$$ with crank,cases,etc.

Even if this were a yamaha, they would have likely had the same warranty coverage,will cover the parts not the labor because the sleds already been sold/changed hands in the short time its been used.

Oh ya, I know I'm lucky. Parts are already ordered and covered. $2,400

Got a good deal on the sled to begin with so now I guess I'm back up to it's real value.
tomseal6 said:

A crank bearing should not go out like that on a new sled no matter what kind of oil you were using.....

I agree.

Hey Zach, sorry about the ride going down. 640 miles is alomst brand new, for crying out loud!
that does suck, think my viper is suffering the same crank bearing death right now. STILL have yet to crack the cases and see for sure, no time. we ahve been getting snow every few days here in central NH and I have been to busy plowing the snow to actually get out and play on it! a few miles grooming though :)
03viperguy said:
that does suck, think my viper is suffering the same crank bearing death right now. STILL have yet to crack the cases and see for sure, no time. we ahve been getting snow every few days here in central NH and I have been to busy plowing the snow to actually get out and play on it! a few miles grooming though :)

What kind of symptoms are you seeing that makes you think this is happeneing? How many miles are on it?
Sorry to hear Zack, I have a buddy who is on his second rebuild on his 800R with less than 1500 miles. First one was 550 miles and Doo came good, no answer a month later this time. He is missing his 05 warrior and his 2000 SRX! Good luck hope it all works out for you!
first off, sorry to hear about your break down. break downs suck and there seems to be lots of them this year. also, you said you were at 50mph when it went down......sounds like lean on the needles. 800 ski-doos are notorious for this. you got to ride 'em hard to the bars, or else they lean out, if let run in that mid-throttle position for too long. but, then after i seen your picture, it was a rod bearing that gone south. so, the problem was oil related.....lack of lube. i would be curious to know what oil was in there. also, if they had ski-doo mineral oil in there, and then added a different brand oil in there, they won't mix. they layer like oil in water. i've heard of some ski-doos by me, where the guy has ski-doo mineral oil in the tank, but is low, so he tops it off w/amsoil, and then the crank takes a crap 50 miles or so later. sounds like the same thing here with you. maybe the oil gets stuck inside the pump or something, with the oils layering, from the 2 different kinds not mixing?? i know ski-doo mineral oil can oil be mixed w/itself. nothing else.
journeyman said:
What kind of symptoms are you seeing that makes you think this is happeneing? How many miles are on it?
because the motor died, pistons, rings, etc all look great, and when I finally freed it up the crank feels... chuncky?? not smooth turning and the pto side piston would not move where the others would a little bit. little over 9k miles and this is the first time the head has been off :)
03viperguy said:
because the motor died, pistons, rings, etc all look great, and when I finally freed it up the crank feels... chuncky?? not smooth turning and the pto side piston would not move where the others would a little bit. little over 9k miles and this is the first time the head has been off :)

What procedure have you used over the years for summer storage? Just curious. Also what oil do you use?
amsoil interceptor. drain the gas and flood with oil. has worked forever for my family. dad was doing it back in the 70's and still does it today. actually feels like a mech failure, like the cage came apart. doo mech friend agrees. only way to be certain is when I finally get it all apart. details once I finally do finish taking it apart!
03viperguy said:
amsoil interceptor. drain the gas and flood with oil. has worked forever for my family. dad was doing it back in the 70's and still does it today. actually feels like a mech failure, like the cage came apart. doo mech friend agrees. only way to be certain is when I finally get it all apart. details once I finally do finish taking it apart!

Thanks......I was just curious. Wondering how long before I encounter this. I have 8200 miles and change. I did just rings this year. I ran Interceptor for about half of these miles but I am back to yamalube.
I switched to amsoil at like 6k miles or so I think. I honestly was having to clean the valves MORE often with the $$ amsoil. the smell and smoke was better though....
03viperguy said:
I switched to amsoil at like 6k miles or so I think. I honestly was having to clean the valves MORE often with the $$ amsoil. the smell and smoke was better though....

Yeh the only time I stuck a PV was with the Amsoil. For $10 less per gallon I went back to Yamalube.
those motors got greas packing bearings in to repack every 3000 miles.need too buy water cooling kit for bearings? lol. sorry about your ride & yes old blue is telling u something!
780srxgeorge said:
those motors got greas packing bearings in to repack every 3000 miles.need too buy water cooling kit for bearings? lol. sorry about your ride & yes old blue is telling u something!
thats silly. I am not a doo hater at all, but that is just silly.
