So I was thinking of buying a SRX...

SRX Value

I bought another o1 SRX a few weeks ago. Paid 2400 for it. 3500 miles.
Came with a new hood, spare set of slides, and a cover too. Compression was about 128 cold. Has one slightly bent radius rod and the track is in average shape without studs. Think I got a good deal. I would say 2000-3200 for a clean 00-02 SRX.
picked up a 2001 with only 842km in the fall of 2009 in Niagra Falls, Ont for $4000. he had it listed on kijiji. i know i paid a little but the thing was brand new. i now have 3500km on it and i wouldn't sell it. my 98 has 23000km and it is now parked and i haven't decided what to do with it. i think i will redo it and keep it as a back up or for parts. there are deals out there. i was just on this morniing and there are a couple listed in there. keep looking you will find one. there was a 99 with only 1000 miles listed either on ebay or autotrader this morning, i can't remember which but if you look you will find it. there is also someone selling a couple in the classifieds below ;)!
