GP 433 tether switch install


New member
Jul 9, 2005
I am looking for some help with my 1972 GP433. I am trying to hook up a tether switch. Does anybody have any experience in wher to splice into? Any help would be greatly appreciated.......Thanks, Dered

Hi Dered,,,expect it will be same as 1974 433's
but someone will maybe confirm it...
to shut off a 74 and newer with points, the key switch
and the kill switch both will connect the gray and orange
point wires together....they do not short to ground as
many other brands do....
you will need to "tee" a new wire into each point wire
and install a tether that is normally open and when
pulled will close the circuit.....76 and 77 PR and GP should
have that style as well....I will try and look in a 77 tech
and see how they show it.....
Somebody will answer in the meantime.
not much action....i just made a note for my
lunch pail and will try to confirm for tues
ps ..someday when they are old, I will find a first year
RX1 and an anniversary apex add to my collection
as the RX was a major change in sledding
checked 72 EW643 and still the same...I guess on a twin
you can't just short to ground unless you use a double
switch...most tethers will be normally closed with the
cap removed since they connect to ground,,,,so teeing into
both wires and join to switch ,should work...and no ground
involved ..
Thanks Ron, After reading your post I noticed that there are extra female connectors at the coils. I was able to plug into these without cutting any wires and it works great. Thanks again Ron...........Derek
