what is procedure to recalibrate TPS


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
getting TPS replaced,got my hands on one thru dealer at their cost..so I can afford it..lol What is the procedure to set the new TPS up..how do you go aboiut doing it exactly...in laymans language please ..lol
I was daman..but couldn't find it..and how are you..were you've been lately.I hate answering a lot of questions on here when it is your job...lol
Oh taking a break from the constant repetitive questions and had other interests taking up my time.

let me look too.. ;)!
bluemonster1 said:
getting TPS replaced,got my hands on one thru dealer at their cost..so I can afford it..lol What is the procedure to set the new TPS up..how do you go aboiut doing it exactly...in laymans language please ..lol

I don't know if this is the post you are looking for or not.

I am interested in testing this on my Viper, as when I had it in to a dealer, recently, when I was having issues w/ my sled, the mechanic made notice about my TPS being set all the way in one direction, and couldn't believe it was set there.
When you are checking the resistance or setting the voltage, is the sled supposed to be running or not for one, both or neither.
I have to PU some small alligator clips so I can attach to the TPS pins first.I understand the battery thing also,just which way to connect everything and where to test from..iI guess I'll figure it out.First thing is to test the old one..
I found the instructions on here somewhere. If youre a visual learner anything like me than you will want to have those instuctions with you when you do it. I think with the throttle in the idle position my new tps was at less than 1v. it was .601_ i believe.
actually the info in the manual is fairly clear to follow..I understand the procedure to calibrate.My old TPSwas rotated counterclockwise almost to the end.
just checked resistence..."R1"..I get 6.4 ohms

checked resistence .."R2" and move throttle slowly..I get nothing registering...

does that mean it is bad..I betcha
because the sled is not performing like it did 2 seasons ago..it is like it is holding back..and I did a rebuild and still feels like it won't open up like it should/did
some guys have changed them and found the sled runs like day and night differnce also..mine seems to sound a little flatter..not screaming like it used to.All wire harness and wires checked,clutches are good shape,PV's adjusted properly,carbs super cleaned also..
Thats mid range control as you know i hardly think that's the problem but checking it out is not a bad thing at all.

re test again make sure your doing it right(not bashing)see if you see similar results,then try a replacement.

i've never had to replaced one...
