2002 srx issues


New member
Oct 7, 2005
bought an 02 with a boivin skid this season, has a newer motor in it and when I first went out with it the dcs would go off everytime over 7500 or so. I took the carbs down, checked the wash and ended up going 150's across the board, drained the fuel, cleaned the powervalves and went at it again with 91 octane non-ethanol fuel, same issues maybe slightly better but still tripping dcs and then I broke a powervalve cable. At that point I am thinking maybe the powervalves were set too tight by the last guy..I change the cable and set to spec and then go for a test ride, does not blink the light, hits 8500 for a second or so and dives down to 7500 and falls on its face and holds at 7500...So I start thinking servo is bad and will not hold valves open so I change out the servo out with a known working one and go again, now it will only pull 8000!!! Now I am getting stumped. I think maybe the old one was so fried it was overextending the valves for a minute and then closing them hence the rpm being 8500 and then a drop and I now attribute the new found low rpm to the boivin skid on stock clutching..So I make some secondary changes to see if I can pull rpm, change helix, spring wrap etc. all remains fairly close to the same, light still out but only pulling 8000..I now check plugs after hard pulls, number 1 is wet other 2 are dry..I check caps, they are new and in spec, I switch plugs to make sure I did not get a bad one but the number one keeps getting wet. I am now wondering if the coil is bad as well as the original servo..Is there a way to bench test the servo and coil guys???? Any help would be appreciated I am nearly stumped on this one!!
I have the Expert X in mine and it didn't affect my rpm. Have you tried idling the sled to below 900 rpm and then run above 6,500 rpm to watch the servo open? a pull through will make your rpm drop. For the coil, unplug it and switch it with one of the others and then check your plugs after running.
I know that is why I am wondering if they are different, I tested my 01 servo on there and cannot pull rpm now past 8000, with the 02 it would hit 8500 and fall to 7500, I thought the servo is bad and I would test the known working one from the 01 but if they are different that is no good. I am stumped on this thing..
could I change the connector from one coil to another or do I have to remove a coil from my 01 to try on it? Also how can I test a coil with a meter? I did test between the two bullet connectors and got a reading of 1 ohm resistance and tested one on my 01 and got the same reading..I did try to test through the coil on the wire and got nothing on either which tells me I am doing something wrong..
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Swapped coils, checked servo, set valves, did everything and still only pulls 8000. I am going to hit the clutching I guess..
That doesn't explain why your number one plug is wet, something is not right in that carb, if it was me i would take the carbs off and go through that one very thoroughly making sure everything is clean, tightened up, and adjusted properly
I can't say the plug was soaked rather more wet than the others, I also changed the coil out on that barrel though and the plug is not that wet and burning good, carbs are also cleaned and good. Took it out after several more hours of testing and clutching and it will pull 8500 until 100kmh or so and drop right off to 7500 or so rpm and stay there!! Has anyone had this? I am now thinking cdi, who's got one for an 02??
what do you have for a setup in primary..maybe its to much weight..and did you check if primary spring is broken or not...how about your clutch bushings,plastic glides,rollers,roller and weight bushings
Complete go through of clutches with several changes. I used the stock weights and rivots actually started with the complete stock setup then changed out springs and helix one change at a time in an attempt to gain rpm but even with big changes in the clutching it made no difference which tells me it is not the problem..
if it doesn't get close to the right rpm with the stock clutching, the issue isn't your clutching (springs or weights or helix). You're only masking the problem if you try to fix it with clutching. Did it run right for the previous owner, or did he sell it because he couldn't figure it out? Have you checked for wire rub throughs? Check the jackshaft bearing next to the secondary. I had one let go once and my sled wasn't reaching its full rpm. ended up chewing up the back side of my secondary too, which is how we figured it out: we ran it with the track in the air and sparks were coming out! I think the DCS detects vibrations, and if that bearing was shot, perhaps that would create enough vibration to set it off.

I'll ask this for those who have ported engines or experience with them: if the cylinders were ported when the previous owner had it but the sled hadn't been calibrated properly, could that cause an issue like this? I think it would be the opposite, but I don't know. Just trying to get some more ideas out there.
couple checks I would do in this order if I were working on this sled/problem:

1.) check that the crank is in phase, attach degree wheel to crankend and mark each cylinder at tdc and make sure its 120 degrees between tdc marks. blown belts and other problems sometimes dont show up till later when trying to tune a engine in.

2.) I would check the stator next , as topend wide open is the max load for it and it may simply be losing power from lack of power supplied by the stator, they dont always lose the headlight power,low rpm can also be a symptom

3.) find a another cdi box to test, your 2001 cdi will plug in and run but not have the dcs feature,but it will eliminate the cdi as possible timing issue.
Tony I dont know what good that vmax box would do me as it wont send a message to the powervalves and I did not think the tors would have an affect on the high rpm but I will give it a try, I was actually going to do it anyways to eliminate one more thing.

Stephfg I know exactly what you are saying about the clutching, I made the changes to eliminate it from the equation. The previous owner is no longer alive for me to ask I bought it from his wife. I did all the bearings except the jackshaft bearing, I will have a look..I do know for a fact it is a stock fresh motor.
