1989 Yamaha Ovation Help


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Hi. My 1989 Ovation has a severe miss from midrange and up. I have cleaned the carburetor, replaced jets, spark plugs, fuel filters, and checked pipe for obstruction. If you stop or remain at slow speed it runs fine. It starts and idles perfectly. The severe miss and bog appears to be at the same RPM every time. Does anybody have any suggestions or previous experience with a problem like this? I would appreciate any help.

sorry ,,,don't know anything about that model, but
check the impulse line for being hard , brittle & cracked
Some time it's doing this...try the old book plug test..
While it's acting up for a while , shut off ign and hold
throttle wide open while you coast to a stop..and see
what colour (color) the spark plug(s) are ....nice to have
checked them as well after some low rpm work when it
seems to be running well..should be tan colour,,not chalk
white or pitch black (lean or rich)...Good luck and hope
someone answers that is familar with the model...
A digital thermometer is nice for testing temp diff between
cylinders as well..
Wish I had asked myself similar question before wrecking
an engine
