MeANG guy
New member
Okay guys here goes....I ride an '02 SRX 700. Of which I believed was an '01 originally as it is a late '01 manufacture date, but am finding on here that if it has DCS its an '02, but anyway....Regardless of ambient (trail, environmental) conditions the DCS light flashes initially at about 80-85mph on the slow pulse rate and quickens by 90mph. I run 91 octane as that is the highest available here and have recently cleaned and sync'd the carbs. The sled is stock except for a bender clutch and can, of which I do not know the specifics on as they were on when I purchased the sled. The fuel available here all is 10% ethanol blended. I do not believe that the fuel is the issue due to the fact that I ran a tank of 87 octane through it at the beginning of the season and before the carb cleaning and the exact same scenario occurred. Any ideas? I hear other guys questioning DCS lights at 100-110mph...I wish that were the case! 

any 2002 sled can be built from after the 6 month of 2001, so no, its not a early production sled, its simply a 2002.
as for the light coming on,octane,octane,octane. the gas pump says you have 91 octane and what the actual octane level is likely is lower. Easiest way to see if its correct is to dump a gallon or 2 of race gas in it, I bet the light wont come on again for that tankfull. jetting the sled richer will only work so far,then what will happen is youll be down on power and rpm because its too rich and your just preventing detonation by washing the piston with fuel. There is nothing wrong with running 148.8/150 mains in a 02, it will take the edge off if the common fuel your using is right on the edge, but the appropiate fix is to simply up the octane level, thats whats needed.
as for the light coming on,octane,octane,octane. the gas pump says you have 91 octane and what the actual octane level is likely is lower. Easiest way to see if its correct is to dump a gallon or 2 of race gas in it, I bet the light wont come on again for that tankfull. jetting the sled richer will only work so far,then what will happen is youll be down on power and rpm because its too rich and your just preventing detonation by washing the piston with fuel. There is nothing wrong with running 148.8/150 mains in a 02, it will take the edge off if the common fuel your using is right on the edge, but the appropiate fix is to simply up the octane level, thats whats needed.
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MeANG guy
New member
Okay, I will give operating on a amount race fuel a try...I find it a bit of a tough pill to swallow to operate on "race fuel" to trail ride and the occasional rip across the lake. Anyone who runs in Maine knows that there is no shortage of lake crossings on the trail systems...Is there a minimum octane rating that I should be shooting for? Also anyone out there experiment with mixing your own "race fuel" utilizing Toulene or Xylene? See this link:
I understand about it being a tough pill to swallow,but its not the sleds fault, its the garbage we are paying $3.20 a gallon for, we pay more and get less quality with gas.
if you can get the octane to 93-94, you wont have any problems, the 91 your using now isnt likely even 89, thats why the problem.
if you search dcs threads on this site, youll see tons of post on this, and then youll see all kinds of people telling you to jet up,jet up,..., well, thats not the answer in short. lastly youll find threads from some of the owners years later finally admitting, that is was the octane and after it was raised,sled put back to the stock jetting, the sled worked flawless.
if you can get the octane to 93-94, you wont have any problems, the 91 your using now isnt likely even 89, thats why the problem.
if you search dcs threads on this site, youll see tons of post on this, and then youll see all kinds of people telling you to jet up,jet up,..., well, thats not the answer in short. lastly youll find threads from some of the owners years later finally admitting, that is was the octane and after it was raised,sled put back to the stock jetting, the sled worked flawless.
MeANG guy
New member
Any ideas on the home brew race fuels such as the ones listed in the link I posted above?
nothing I would post due to someone reading it, trying it and getting hurt. plenty of information on the web on making your own gas brews.
Torco Accelerator seems to work well. Been using it for two years now in my 780 and piped/ported mountain max. 8 oz. to 5 gallons of pump premium is what I've been doing. Stuff is bit expensive, but I haven't blown myself or my sled up.
MeANG guy
New member
So, mrviper you might say the home brews are legit if you were to be sitting around the campfire bulls**tting with the boys?
Your symptom is similar so have a look at this thread and decide for yourself...
MeANG guy said:Okay guys here goes....I ride an '02 SRX 700. Of which I believed was an '01 originally as it is a late '01 manufacture date, but am finding on here that if it has DCS its an '02, but anyway....Regardless of ambient (trail, environmental) conditions the DCS light flashes initially at about 80-85mph on the slow pulse rate and quickens by 90mph. I run 91 octane as that is the highest available here and have recently cleaned and sync'd the carbs. The sled is stock except for a bender clutch and can, of which I do not know the specifics on as they were on when I purchased the sled. The fuel available here all is 10% ethanol blended. I do not believe that the fuel is the issue due to the fact that I ran a tank of 87 octane through it at the beginning of the season and before the carb cleaning and the exact same scenario occurred. Any ideas? I hear other guys questioning DCS lights at 100-110mph...I wish that were the case!![]()
If you can, try and get a stock muffler for it. I removed my silencer and it seems to have made the light not come on now until well over 100mph. I believe that DCS was probably picking up some vibrations from the can and also the lean condition it makes while on there. My light used to come on around 85 to 95mph across the lake and now it is more like 105mph. I do know that the can's lean them motors out by about 2 jett size's, this could also be your problem on long runs. Oh, I am running a 02 SRX also but with nothing less then 93 octane (but who knows what you are really getting at the pump?) Be carefull, and make sure you get off the throttle when that light comes on, it will save you a lot of money.

I was also having issues with my sled. You start with octane and then the motor: (in random order) check that the exhaust joints are not leaking, that the can is stock, that the powervalves are working, that the engine has good compression and passes a leak down test, that the crank is in phase, that the dcs sensor is within specification, that the reeds are not cracked/broken, that the carb boots are not leaking, that the air box has not been modified or that you rund a device like a tempaflow or a variflow, that the gearing is not too high and that the clutching is not too agressive. I have checked all this and I was having the most problems with the dcs on TY! Everything above is checked now and I am filling from a different gas station and using fuel ficths. You are welcome to ask questions on PM too.
The manual says that the sensor only pics up very spesific vibrations and that are those from the motor detonating. I even tried hitting the water rail gently with a hammer with rpms within the dcs working range, nothing!
Also if your heads are modified, the thing will not work properly, it's designed to work specifically with the stock heads. Also, if you have more compression than stock, that might also give you issues.
The manual says that the sensor only pics up very spesific vibrations and that are those from the motor detonating. I even tried hitting the water rail gently with a hammer with rpms within the dcs working range, nothing!
Also if your heads are modified, the thing will not work properly, it's designed to work specifically with the stock heads. Also, if you have more compression than stock, that might also give you issues.
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norwegian said:I was also having issues with my sled. You start with octane and then the motor: (in random order) check that the exhaust joints are not leaking, that the can is stock, that the powervalves are working, that the engine has good compression and passes a leak down test, that the crank is in phase, that the carb boots are not leaking, that the air box has not been modified or t that you rund a device like a tempaflow or a variflow, that the gearing is not too high and that the clutching is not too agressive. I have checked all this and I was having the most problems with the dcs on TY! Everything above is checked now and I am filling from a different gas station and using fuel ficths. You are welcome to ask questions on PM too.
The manual says that the sensor only pics up very spesific vibrations and that are those from the motor detonating. I even tried hitting the water rail gently with a hammer with rpms within the dcs working range, nothing!
So, is it fixed with the different station or still giving you trouble?
It's fixed now with some fat jetting, different station and fuel fichts.
Post has been updated
MeANG guy
New member
Thanks for all the ideas guys. Going out for a pretty lengthy ride today, upwards of 200 mi., going to try the increased octane route, we will see where that goes, hopefully it does the trick. If that doesn't cure its woes I will begin looking into your ideas Yamanator and Norwegian.

my 02 SRX has no DCS issues for years.Use premium fuel 91 octane out here...stock jetting and fitch fuel catalyst in tank...I am happy with it...
Your srx has some other issues. Sell it to me. LOL
MeANG guy
New member
So took it out today on a shorter ride than I had anticipated due to a Cat I was riding with trashing a belt 3mi. into the ride. That ate some time getting that replaced. But I added Klotz Octane Booster to the fuel at 2oz. per gal. for a supposed increase of 5 octane (not 5 points). So I figure in the real world that translated to about 92 or 93 octane from the 91 pump gas I topped of with this morning. That seemed to help a little bit I guess. Going to go to the race shop in town an buy some VP 110 to mix with my 91 octane and see how that works, just hate to rely on $9/gal fuel to trail ride.
On a separate side note: Anyone have any ideas on this phenomenon? When the Cat decided to toss the belt today (an '04 ZR 900), it was at about 90mph and the kill switch was hit, the key was shut off, and once stopped the plug wires were pulled off and the damn thing kept "running" for a good 15-20 seconds at WOT!!!! I know that some are gonna call bullshit on this but I seen it with my own two eyes, kill switch depressed, key off, BOTH plug wires off, still screaming!!! It most certainly didn't sound normal, even worse than a 900 twin cat with aftermarket pipes normally sounds. Odd to say the least...Any ideas on how this is even possible????
On a separate side note: Anyone have any ideas on this phenomenon? When the Cat decided to toss the belt today (an '04 ZR 900), it was at about 90mph and the kill switch was hit, the key was shut off, and once stopped the plug wires were pulled off and the damn thing kept "running" for a good 15-20 seconds at WOT!!!! I know that some are gonna call bullshit on this but I seen it with my own two eyes, kill switch depressed, key off, BOTH plug wires off, still screaming!!! It most certainly didn't sound normal, even worse than a 900 twin cat with aftermarket pipes normally sounds. Odd to say the least...Any ideas on how this is even possible????

cats have 9 never know