Yet another DCS issue....

MeANG guy said:
So took it out today on a shorter ride than I had anticipated due to a Cat I was riding with trashing a belt 3mi. into the ride. That ate some time getting that replaced. But I added Klotz Octane Booster to the fuel at 2oz. per gal. for a supposed increase of 5 octane (not 5 points). So I figure in the real world that translated to about 92 or 93 octane from the 91 pump gas I topped of with this morning. That seemed to help a little bit I guess. Going to go to the race shop in town an buy some VP 110 to mix with my 91 octane and see how that works, just hate to rely on $9/gal fuel to trail ride.

On a separate side note: Anyone have any ideas on this phenomenon? When the Cat decided to toss the belt today (an '04 ZR 900), it was at about 90mph and the kill switch was hit, the key was shut off, and once stopped the plug wires were pulled off and the damn thing kept "running" for a good 15-20 seconds at WOT!!!! I know that some are gonna call bullshit on this but I seen it with my own two eyes, kill switch depressed, key off, BOTH plug wires off, still screaming!!! It most certainly didn't sound normal, even worse than a 900 twin cat with aftermarket pipes normally sounds. Odd to say the least...Any ideas on how this is even possible????

Had a bud with a Doo that stuck a HX with a stud causing an overheat/dieseling condition. Had to pump the primer a dozen times to cool the igniter in the CC before it would shut off.

He had the key and tether in his hand when I pulled up yelling WTF. He new enough to pump the primer. Sure enough, green snow.

You should see a run away diesel. It'll clear a shop in a hurry.

Finally - while your symptom seems more regular than SSB's, and understanding fuel quality being a huge question mark these days, if I were you I'd still take a peek at your TPS output. The cost of a couple male and female terminals, wire and a multi-meter you could rule it out as a contributor. Refer to my previous post for the link to Bob's detailed post.

Good luck.
