Almost ready.....

Guy sent cylinder and no piston so I left the Viper home and took the 2007 Apex out. About an hour into the ride it starts making engine noise, so we pulled it back. Wow, broke two yammies in two weeks.

Must just be me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WORST PART: Polaris pulls me back in :eek:
engine noise?? damn, 4 strokes are supposed to be the fix for motor issues. I guess anything can happen though, cars do break down. any idea what that issue is? sorry to hear about the bad luck man, keep us posted on the progress of both sleds
Ok, Viper is back together with new cylinder and piston and a set of rings. Opticool head gasket and needles set to 4.0. Going out this weekend to break it in and test.

Is it allowed to post the name of the seller who ripped me off on Ebay for the piston? (had to get another one cost me a week)
We have had absolutly no problems with our Viper, Some say they over heat, not on ours. Last year my Son's Viper ran completely OEM cooling. This year just in case I added a SRX rear heat exchanger. Again no problems at all. Slow speed problems, never hear of, Sorry. Maybe this is an altitude problem? Where do you ride? I used to live in Grand Lake CO. Some have problems, we just don't. Good luck Al
WOOOHOOO!!! Viper ran perfect. Had it in snow so deep when I finally stuck it I had snow up to the headlight. Never missed a beat all day and plugs looked a little dark but I set it up rich.

Even got to pull out a dead POLARIS
modsrx said:
if its burned down again its because u forgot to check something somewhere

x2 Guy I know from work has an 03 w 18000 km that gets putted around all the time but he is anal when it comes to maintenance never had any problems did the top end and crankseals at 13000.
After taking the Apex apart it showed previous lack of oil damage. I assume previous owner turmed it on its side or upside down and it ran that way for a while. Rod clearance in those is so tight that when a rod gets loose you hear what sounds like a lifter down low where the rod bolt starts to contact the case.

I have crank, rod and other parts on the way to put the Apex back together. I still need to order a tether though. Here where the snow is powdery if you wreck and get tossed a few snowmobile lengths away the waist deep powder can keep you from getting back to the sled and shutting it off. Only bad thing about 4-strokes, no oil pressure on its side (or upside down)
ugh, that sucks. at least it sounds like it will be back up and running and you will be all around in business :)
