viper- random no power. HELP!


New member
Jul 18, 2006
New Berlin, WI
Hey guys. I have an odd problem going on with my viper. i will be riding and every now and then it just feel flat. It will only build to about 7000rpm. it will be like that for a second or longer and then all of a sudden it jumps to 8700 and has tons of power. I am running Aeen triple pipes for the last couple years with now problems. I cleaned the power valves 50 miles ago, carbs have been cleaned, clutches gone through. I just dont get it. It is almost like one cylinder dies for a short time. Any ideas? Would a pull through power valve cause this? the only other thing i thought of was something with the coils or ignition. But i dont know where to start with that. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
Check your reeds. If you're having issues with lights or gauges at the same time, check the stator. But sounds more like reeds.
Is your belt in spec? I had a similar problem and it turned out that the belt was worn way down... it really goofs up the shifting characteristics with a bad belt.
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Today i checked the reeds and they look good. No chips or cracks. I also checked the power valves again and they were a little gummy feeling but nothing to bad. No pull throughs. Is there a way to test the plug caps? or just replace them? The belt looks good and isnt very old so i dont think it is that. The thing is that 80% of the time it is great. And then randomly you will hit the gas and it just doesnt have the power.
I heard that you can pull the wire harness from under the motor if you tie a sting to it first to pull it back. Has any one ever tried this? Will the plg ends fit through the aluminum tabs that hold it down?
as for the stator i assume there is no way to test it if it is intermittent like that? I know you can test to see if it is dead, but unsure to see if there is random issues. We have a "historic Blizzard" in the forecast for the next 3 days! I need to get this figured out ASAP! please help!
kart74 said:
I heard that you can pull the wire harness from under the motor if you tie a sting to it first to pull it back. Has any one ever tried this? Will the plg ends fit through the aluminum tabs that hold it down?

you need to remove the airbox/carb rack, then reach down and bend over all the alum. hold down tabs as you can reach. Tie the string onto the plug ends up by hood hinge, obviously unplug the connectors. You can then pull the harness over back by the recoil, pull it up and back,you have to pull because there is 2 alum hold downs you cant reach. Its messy and greasy but youll be able to fix the problem. tape each wire indivdually if chaffed and then whole harness, place the repaired wires into automotive convolute tubing and pull it back thru under engine and it will never have another issue.

the most common electrical problem in srx/vipers.
kart74 said:
I heard that you can pull the wire harness from under the motor if you tie a sting to it first to pull it back. Has any one ever tried this? Will the plg ends fit through the aluminum tabs that hold it down?

Read the FAQ under rub-through. You'll need to open the tabs to allow the harness to be pulled out.

...and yes you are correct, there isn't a way to test the stator dynamically for intermittent issues under load. Well, there is if you had a portable scope with data logger and a means of attaching it to your sled or programable flight recorder and instrumentation...

Most often replacing with "known good" part is the only approach.

Triassic diagnostics.
Well tonight i checked the wires from the head lights to where the plugs are near the thermestat houseing and found nothing wrong. None of the covering (tape) was scrapped and on the inside all of the wires looked great. I checked the compression and i have 110pto, and 125 ctr, mag. I put it all back together and took it for a quick ride. This time is was actually pretty good. Only once did it seem like it was slow building rpms. not the quick snap of RPM like it normally does. Still think a stator? I hate to spend that much money on something if it possibly isnt it.
also, check left footwell,where all the wires come down to the cdi box, another place they like to rub thru.
well i think i found my problem! yesterday while riding on the trails it just died. Like i hit the kill switch. No power to anything, and no spark when trying to start it. I would say the stator went out. I wanted to double check to make sure by testing the stator before i ordered it. I tested the white-red to white-green for the pickup which tested good. the manual says to test white to white for the stator. There are 3 white wire coming out of the stator. I checked accross all three wire and got the same reading for each (about 1 ohm). the spec is something like .3 to .5 ohms. Does this confirm that the stator is bad? Just dont want to spend the $200 if thats not it. It sure seems like it though. Thanks.
I'm somewhat having a similar problem. After going say 40-50 mph and I slow to an idle, the engine bogs and feels like it drops a cylinder. Then picks back up...weird. Carbs were cleaned. I haven't check the reeds or power valves yet (tomorrow). Does this sound like the same problem you're experiencing?

Checked TORS too..was okay.
yes that sounds very similar. Just random spats of no power... like it dropped a cylinder. Right before it died my thumb warmer got very hot. Then nothing. Sat on the trail for a hour while the guys i was with went back to get a trailor. I want to order the stator today so hopefully i can still get some riding in.
my sled is doing simular thing cuts out a cyl but only when i climb big hills under a lot of load changed reeds and powervalves where just cleaned new plugs, sometimes when it is really cold the lights, tach don't come on when the sled warms up it dies i fire it back up everything works good weird what do you think
sounds very similar to me. I had the same thing with it doing it more when it was under more load. In the power where it spun alot it seemed ok. I didnt have the light thing though. I have the old stator out and a new one on order. I sure hope this is it. I still am unsure on the testing process. can anyone explain it more to me? Confused about the 3 white wires and where to really test. Thanks.
Holy crap my 2001 srx is doing the same thing too. This weekend it felt like i lost a cylinder under heavy load in the deep snow, let of the throttle an it came back, also my hand warmers have been getting alot colder lately. I better order a stator before I get left out in the woods.
I ordered the stator but it sounds like it might take awhile to get. I guess the yamaha distubution center was shut down for a couple days due to a storm so they are running behind. I hope i get it soon. I am missing some good riding right now. IN the mean time i took the old stator off and brought it in to let it warm up to the recomended 68 degrees for testing. I am reading 204 ohms on the pickup (a little high according to the specs) and .8 ohms accross all 3 white wires for the stator (spec says .3 to.4). Has anyone ever tested a bad stator before? Did you get similar results?
