setting your TPS properly--video


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada just stated you have measured up to 4 volt at WOT and then said Yamaha does it at idle..which one is true..the WOT I would think,at idle would be 0 volts.
Hows the SRX running Blue! ?

Mine is running in the dumps getting beat now by every sled, sumting really rong! LOL1
sounds like mine.Mine has been sitting for a while..not running .I think the SRX's only work good for a while and then it all goes down hill for some reason.Not to happy with mine to stop spending $$ on it .Changing TPS..will be in by next Thursdsay..if this changes nothin..then SRX will be my summer water skipper across my Pond until I sink her for good... ;)!
mine started to go downhill 2 seasons ago and has never come back..even with an engine rebuild..something weird like you said going on..My stepson bought a 98 XTC for 2600 buck,put on triple pipes,new is basically a quick sled now..he spent at least half of what I spent on my SRX...his is going strong..... :o|
I go by the book and all should work..but am stumped.Even my 600 is having coolant issues now.Never existed for 12,000 km's previous.Ordering new head gaskets now at $35 a pop..nuts man..season is almost over and still haven't dialed both sleds in..just want to ride a reliable sled..looks like these yamie's are starting to dissapoint me now..
I'll have to go to Circuit City I guess to pu some alig clips,maybe a regulator and some other stuff and try build a friggin cold to ride anyways.Even with some heat on in the garage..I don't feel like doing anything.I am really starting to hate it when it is cold out now..I stay indoors more...sleds sit for the meantime.I have the problem of Spring Flood coming to spend $1000's of dollars to get boat,motor,more pumps,gas storedextension cords,etc.Going to be a worst flood then the Flood of the Century in 1997.Water should be around 10 feet deep around my house this time.To much snow now and more will come in the next month or to save the house again...going to be fun this time..... :o|
Yes...I have been watching the conditions build for potential major flood issues thru the Red River Valley, the last one is still fresh in my mind.
I run back + forth to Winnipeg all the time and could lend you the home made TPS test harness I made and a spare CDI to try if you want? You could maybe meet me at Deacons corner on my way in? I should be heading in this Wednesday afternoon.
Let me know.

where exactly are you headed in Winnipeg ? I live South of the Perimeter..Flood area to be Corner is about half an hour from my place..
ok...thanks for the offer..but I'll make up something here for myself,shouldn't be difficult to do.I won't get the TPS until about Friday anyways.Again thanks for offering ..
bluemonster1 said:
I go by the book and all should work..but am stumped.Even my 600 is having coolant issues now.Never existed for 12,000 km's previous.Ordering new head gaskets now at $35 a pop..nuts man..season is almost over and still haven't dialed both sleds in..just want to ride a reliable sled..looks like these yamie's are starting to dissapoint me now..

Buy a 4 stroke and you wont be disappointed! And just ride the 2 strokers for FUN.
theres no $$$ here for a 4 stroke...have to get a boat and motor for the up coming flood and other things and get prepared for it..If I don't get one..I may be told to leave my property by the Police or Army....if I show them I am prepared with boat,motor,generator,food,propane,etc...they should not evacuate me..I would fight them anyways and get arrested first....
bluemonster1 said:
theres no $$$ here for a 4 stroke...have to get a boat and motor for the up coming flood and other things and get prepared for it..If I don't get one..I may be told to leave my property by the Police or Army....if I show them I am prepared with boat,motor,generator,food,propane,etc...they should not evacuate me..I would fight them anyways and get arrested first....

need backup!!!!!!!!
