Still waiting......


New member
Jan 24, 2011
If anyone has had the expeience of a temperature light flashing, then staying on, then going out temporarily, then flashing again, etc, could you plese let me know? I do believe it's a sensor gone bad but would like some confirmation and an "OK" as to whether or not I should ride it until I get a replacement sensor. All coolant levels are leaks either...THANKS!!!!
Ya know, the funny thing is that there doesn't seem to be a freakin pattern...that's the frustrating thing! Riding conditions are great....good base, 4-5 inches of fresh powder and crisp temps.
Thanks bro....ya know, reading the other threads in tech, guys r sayin that bleeding the system will cure it also. what do you think....still a harness issue?
i had the same issue on my 98xtc 700 the coolant sytem had air in it i bled it real good never came on again then another time i did it i had a bad head gasket
Thanks , I'll go try the bleeding thing....I'm kinda thinkin it will be a wiring issue though as the coolant seems to be flowing through the system. Thanks for the input......all is much appreciated!!!!!!!!! For the record, this is my first Yamaha. I have always had Polaris' and literally, never, ever a problem....ever. I told a bunch of guys I was buyin a Yammie and they all said they are supposed to be equally trouble-free...hmmmmm.
They typically are trouble free, but not knowing what kind of maintainence was done previously or how the previous owner rode it and took care of it... you know what saying! If you can't get the light to stay off after bleeding the system, then start looking for rub-thrus in your wiring harness, it could be a wire in that circuit that is grounding out.
OK... tried to bleed it from the back. took the bolt right out, elevated the *** so it was the highest point and ran it (actually ran it first to get it up to temp, then jacked it up and took the screw out). Some coolant volcanoed out and I kept tapping the throttle and it would come out .... but not a steady flow. when I let off of the gas, nothing came out. The bottle was still up. I shut it down, let it cool off and after about ten mins or so, I checked and the bottle was empty and there was no puddle under the sled???????? Poured more coolant in, repeated the process again, same outcome. Actually, it got fairly hot and white smoke was coming out of the bleeder hole in the back....not coolant. Shut it down and tried a couple more times. Even undid the cap on the line itself and didn't seem like coolant was flowing through...and bottle had fluid. Kept pouring fluid in the cap-hole in-line and emptied the rest of the jug. ........ LIGHT STILL ON AND I'M READY TO THROW THE MATCH AT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, there is a relatively fresh head gasket on can see it....and the previous owner confirmed it was done.......FRUSTRATION OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!

I went back....very determined to not be defeated by a cooling gremlin!!! I removed the cap, let it run, put the parking brake on, brought up the rpm's, kept filling/burping etc....etc....etc. Low and behold, the flippin light went out!!! I filled it as much as it would take, re-capped it and took it for a rip........NO LIGHT!!!!!!!! I let it idle for a bit, both exchangers were warm, still, no light so another rip again. NO LIGHT! I let it cool down, after about 1/2 hr, went and checked the level in the went from 2 inches over the "full-hot", to about 1 1/2 inches in the bottle. I'm not sure about that but it's definetely alot better!!!! Thanks so much to all who replied to me with their advice and ideas----GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
Cool. I'm glad this worked for you. I rebuilt my motor this summer and when I put it all back together, I filled & bled the system twice. Then after the first 3 rides the level in the overflow tank would drop when the sled cooled, I was concerned that I might have to pull the head off and check for a coolant leak, but finally after the 4th ride the coolant stopped disappearing. That's just how it goes, sometimes it just takes more than other. Hope you enjoy the winter.
