Arm Stretching FEELING is 8bu10's going in next

bluemonster1 said:
believe me ..its the crap ski's.The simmons on the SRX rides true and like on rails.The USI I feel I am in a bobsledding race..shifting from side to side and almost all around...
I still dont beleve its the skis and after rolling a floor jack under my sled i found the problem with my darting.The spindles bushings were sloppy shimmed them,the r rod bushings sloppy shimmed them, the bolt holes were sloppy shimmed them, now the slop has gone to the ski saddles so i am going to do them!Alot of miles alot of slop!Aggressive skis or cardbides will multiply the loose fealing and darting.

bluewho said:
I still dont beleve its the skis and after rolling a floor jack under my sled i found the problem with my darting.The spindles bushings were sloppy shimmed them,the r rod bushings sloppy shimmed them, the bolt holes were sloppy shimmed them, now the slop has gone to the ski saddles so i am going to do them!Alot of miles alot of slop!Aggressive skis or cardbides will multiply the loose fealing and darting.


Not to hijack, but did you use Bethevipers method of strips of tin for shimming?
There is no way to highjack a bluemonster thread.................impossable !o! Yes the coffie can works cut strips to size and form fit over a pipe and insert.I hade repaced all bushings with a royal dist kit maybie 3 years ago!She was pretty sloppy.

hey rocket..that is a hyjack.... as long as a blue or two can answer your question..I don't mind...thanks bluewho for answering for me...I use the tin strip shims to when required.If you can use the tin on top of a new bushing and get it to are way ahead.There will be less wear and tear due to the tin coating the plastic.It is the plastic that wears down quickly....
I'm gonna have to get on that... I'm pretty sure I've got some slop too. Monster, I saw that your TPS readings were almost the same for the old and new ones? Do you think it's just the fact that it's the updated sensor that made the big improvement? Cause your readings were close to mine...
Hey hows that zx2 working out for you does it hook up at all ?Does the sled stay flat in the corners?I allmost bought one and was wondering.
all I know is that there was a huge difference between the old and updated TPS.Like Bob is very critical to get the calibration right on,on the old one I couldn't,the new one I could....its like adding another 25 horses to the motor instantly or more.The horses are galloping now I can say for sure.You just can't believe it until you punch the throttle.I knew it when I first went along the driveway and gave the throttle a little quick snap and the front lifted right off the snow..I knew it there and then the SRX I once knew..was back..

Now it is time for some serious riding..about a good month left for the season here..need some high speedo numbers ...I am happy again....
bluemonster1 said:
all I know is that there was a huge difference between the old and updated TPS.Like Bob is very critical to get the calibration right on,on the old one I couldn't,the new one I could....its like adding another 25 horses to the motor instantly or more.The horses are galloping now I can say for sure.You just can't believe it until you punch the throttle.I knew it when I first went along the driveway and gave the throttle a little quick snap and the front lifted right off the snow..I knew it there and then the SRX I once knew..was back..

Now it is time for some serious riding..about a good month left for the season here..need some high speedo numbers ...I am happy again....

So with the new one did you get it up to 4 volts? That's awesome it made that much of a difference. Wish I could try an updated one just to see if there's a difference.

Bluewho- ya I love that suspension, I can set it up for big transfer/ hookup, but right now have it set for flat and fast handling/ cornering. Very easy to adjust between settings. Plus it's 20 lbs. lighter than pro-action...
Millinocket Rocket said:
Not to hijack, but did you use Bethevipers method of strips of tin for shimming?
I never cut plastic bushings at all, i formed the steel to fit on the inside of the bushing against the spindle.Also the bushings that go into the outside of the ski saddles are stock 98 ones and have alot of play so i am going to repace them one day but for got it.

bluemonster1 said:
off the carbs I can turn the TPS up to 4 volts,on the sled it goes to 3.11 v at wot,but starts of at .68v at idle...

What is the required voltage setting?
you have to hook up 5 volts to the tps and do a reading.I was getting 5.05 volts going thru.You take that number and times it by 0.136 to get voltage "B".That came to .686 volts.That is the volts you set the TPS at idle and the rest will follow.At full thottle I was getting 3.11 volts,but the idle volts is what counts.Its in the manual and the other info I posted and sideshowbob posted.Read the thgread on it and it will be clear.

PS: ONE LAST TIME...warm up your motor and set your idle where you want it and the set the idle voltage.If you change idle lower..then the voltage decreases.
