track choices


Apr 5, 2007
Lee Center, NY
i'm definitely going to 136 my viper for next season. i'm just up in the air with which track to get. i'm stuck between the prestudded ripsaw track or the prestudded hacksaw track. some background info on my sled is i have a stock motor with extremely clutch work and carb adjustments. i have a pro x suspension under it because it takes moguls far better, but has cut into my top speed a bit. my neighbor has an ice ripper on his viper with the stock 9 tooth drivers and hasn't shown signs of contacting the heat exchanger yet, so i'm not afraid of that. i see myself as a 60/40 rider(60% on trail and 40% off trail) i like to ditch bang once in a while, however i'm a high mileage rider, like to take super long rides, and if i see a cool power line run i'll take a detour for a bit and go play off trail. i'm just concerned that a 1in track wont be enough even though it's a 136, any insight or previous experience with the topic are welcome

PS: i realize that i'm going to regear my sled and top end isn't a big factor for me
Not to steal any sales......but I had the Ice ripper on my Viper last season and hated it. The best 1.25" track for the Viper no doubt is the Predator...I had one for 5000 miles. Ripsaws are OK as is the Iceripper for hardpack trails but they both suck off trail. The predaor is a great all around track. Currently I am running a Cobra (not the one I bought from you Rich...I sold that) but a fully clipped one. It does scrub a little top end but it really bites on the trail and it a blast off traill too. Just gear down a tooth if you run a Cobra and your top end will not suffer too much.
I run a 3/4" track with 144 goldiggers on my srx and I get around just fine.
Netefrog said:
I run a 3/4" track with 144 goldiggers on my srx and I get around just fine.

Studs IMO are good on groomed trails or lakes where you can dig in otherwise they don't help much. It all depends on how you want it to perform for your riding conditions.
journeyman, i understand where you're coming from, i've thought long and hard about a cobra track because it has incredible off trail capabilities, i'd love one but i cannot run studs if i use that track, you know when the groomer has been out and the trail is set up so it's rock hard, i've found that the way i ride (even with a ripsaw w/o studs) the rear end steps out when i'm coming into a corner, i can usually control the throttle so i do not get too much track spin, i've been told the cobra isn't anywhere near as good on hard pack as the ripsaw or predator, only reason i'm going with a prestudded track is to get the advantage of studs w/o the drawback of pull outs and clearance issues because a studded 1.25 in track w/ studs is way to close for comfort with the stock drive cogs
snoprokidf6 said:
journeyman, i understand where you're coming from, i've thought long and hard about a cobra track because it has incredible off trail capabilities, i'd love one but i cannot run studs if i use that track, you know when the groomer has been out and the trail is set up so it's rock hard, i've found that the way i ride (even with a ripsaw w/o studs) the rear end steps out when i'm coming into a corner, i can usually control the throttle so i do not get too much track spin, i've been told the cobra isn't anywhere near as good on hard pack as the ripsaw or predator, only reason i'm going with a prestudded track is to get the advantage of studs w/o the drawback of pull outs and clearance issues because a studded 1.25 in track w/ studs is way to close for comfort with the stock drive cogs

It's not bad on hardpack. Yes if those conditions only existed all of the time I would rather have the predator or ripsaw but I see alot of varying conditions. My old man still has the predator and he really likes the cobra on mine. We can jump back and forth and compare. Funny thing is after I re-ringed mine this year I can hang right with him side by side on the hardpack. I just geared it down a tooth on top.
hmmm after hearing that statement i might lean on getting the cobra, i have varying conditions where i live in ny, thanks for that information
snoprokidf6 said:
hmmm after hearing that statement i might lean on getting the cobra, i have varying conditions where i live in ny, thanks for that information

If you like riding on/off trail the Cobra is the ticket. The fastest I have seen the speedo go so far has been 110 but that is all based on conditions anyways. I used to sometimes go higher with the predator but how fast to I need to go? Here's the one that blew my mind 2 days ago. My buddy who has a decent running Ulmer clutched 2007 ATTAK just installed a Cobra (136") ....mine is a 121". It was 8-10 deg. F so mine was in it's premo jetting range. We would pinch it side by side he would immediately pull me by 1 length......then we'd freeze at around 60-70 mph......then mine starts to even it up at 80mph.....then I start pulling him by about 1-2 mph up top. We were both shocked. I have never been able to pull on an ATTAK. This wasn't one time. It was all day from road approach to road approach on a 130 mile trek.

Also I am running the SLP powder pros so when I go off trail it is alot of fun. It climbs and gets through the deep stuff pretty good.
I believe the COBRA is better than the certain conditions. But here in Illinois, corn stubble will destroy a COBRA. The Predator has a higher Durameter than the Cobra and will survive a beating. If conditions are good where you ride, I'd probably go with the Cobra. If your ditch banging,crossing gravel roads or lots of pavement, in fields w/ stubble.....I'd more than likely go with the Predator.I've seen Cobras with one year on them in the dumpster......but that is here in Illinois.
good to hear, is your sled a 136? i installed a pro x skid and it trenches a lot in the powder (121) i'm definitely putting a 136 under it to help in the powder, i messed with my clutches and jetting so i can run with some nytros but my engine has 4600 miles on it so i'm gonna freshen up the top end to gain some snap back, but running with an attak is very impressive!
A couple of bucks said:
I believe the COBRA is better than the certain conditions. But here in Illinois, corn stubble will destroy a COBRA. The Predator has a higher Durameter than the Cobra and will survive a beating. If conditions are good where you ride, I'd probably go with the Cobra. If your ditch banging,crossing gravel roads or lots of pavement, in fields w/ stubble.....I'd more than likely go with the Predator.I've seen Cobras with one year on them in the dumpster......but that is here in Illinois.

Yeh it's not that bad where I ride. If I have to encounter some gravel roads or anything I take it real easy. So far so good.
snoprokidf6 said:
good to hear, is your sled a 136? i installed a pro x skid and it trenches a lot in the powder (121) i'm definitely putting a 136 under it to help in the powder, i messed with my clutches and jetting so i can run with some nytros but my engine has 4600 miles on it so i'm gonna freshen up the top end to gain some snap back, but running with an attak is very impressive!

Mine is a 121"
