track choices

I have a carve on my viper. Also I have a ripsaw on my sxr.

The ripsaw does better on powder and the carve seems better on hard pack and more harder surfaces.

Both are 136. My sxr can always pull in the light/fluff.
j_k_auto said:
I have a carve on my viper. Also I have a ripsaw on my sxr.

The ripsaw does better on powder and the carve seems better on hard pack and more harder surfaces.

Both are 136. My sxr can always pull in the light/fluff.

I think the Carve is a rebadged Predator.
Yes it is.The carve should be better in powder though.But depends if you got a 1" or 1.25" one.Now they only make a 1".A viper has plenty of power for a 144 but I would go with a 136 over a 144,then you have more track options.
check out the camoplast freeride tracks I'm going too look at thie track for my next purchase
I would run 1 1\4 rip saw, stud it and install 8 tooth anti ratchet drivers. Run 22\38 gear. This set up absolutely rips to 660'. Still pulls 105 on gps. With stock drivers and that much grip you have to run the track really tight . And you can't stud that 1 1\4. With the smaller driver set you can run the track nice and loose and you will wake up the corner to corner power big time! Just a note on the campolast 1 1\4 rip saw. It is not a true 1 1\4 . I was not happy once I installed the studs and realized it's 1 3\16. I should have ordered the 1 1\2 rip saw it probably would have been a true 1 1\4.
richierich said:
Yes it is.The carve should be better in powder though.But depends if you got a 1" or 1.25" one.Now they only make a 1".

When I spoke with the engineer at Camoplast, he said they did a run in 2010 of the 1.25 carve. They were sent to only two dealers. I wrote both of them down but cannot find that piece of paper. I think one was PARTS UNLIMITED(big $) and the other i had never heard of. I want to say it started with an 'M'.
