Piston Port - Dual Carb 440??


New member
Dec 16, 2010
PEI, Canada
Hi All

Was there ever a stock piston port 440 with dual carb Keihin diaphram type butterfly carbs? On one of the other forums a guy is trying to get one started that he has in a '77 Exciter. It isn't pumping gas to the carbs. There is no return outlet on the cabs. It only has pulse and gas connections on the carbs. The serial number on the carbs says it is off a 1972 SW 440 I believe. Did this have dual carbs and if so what would the horsepower of such an engine be? Also if anyone has any ideas on getting this beast started andy tips would be appreciated. Oh the cylinders have the number "433cc R" stamped on them.

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i dont think yamaha started calling their 433 engine a 440 until the exciter came out in 76 but it was still actually a 433cc. i believe the SRX was the only actual 440 of that era. maby "this guy" has the fuel supply line and pulse lines mixed up. how about a link to his problem...
peisnowguy said:
Hi All

Was there ever a stock piston port 440 with dual carb Keihin diaphram type butterfly carbs? On one of the other forums a guy is trying to get one started that he has in a '77 Exciter. It isn't pumping gas to the carbs. There is no return outlet on the cabs. It only has pulse and gas connections on the carbs. The serial number on the carbs says it is off a 1972 SW 440 I believe. Did this have dual carbs and if so what would the horsepower of such an engine be? Also if anyone has any ideas on getting this beast started andy tips would be appreciated. Oh the cylinders have the number "433cc R" stamped on them.


Looks to be a 433 fan motor with GYT kit cyl and carbs. Like installing 72 SR 433 cyl and carbs.
What would the horsepower of such an engine be? He still can't get it to start and he is looking at putting a stock engine in it and taking out the 433 with dual carbs. Any input would be helpful as he is getting somewhat frustrated with it.
I don't know what exhaust is on it, so hard to say what hp, but it should be better then stock exciter hp.

If he's pulling his hair out now with only a fuel issue, I don't see swaping out a motor, wiring, cdi, carbs, clutching and a easy way out.
Clean the fuel system, replace the lines, rebuild the carbs. Then see what it does. All the things you going to have to do with a swap anyway
