New member
You need a drying room and good pressure on the foam, I belive you also have to strip it down...maybe look for a replacement seat ;-)
Active member
Whew thats a close call!I would remove the cover by pulling all the staples out of it and put a piece of plywood on top.Than run over it with a car wheel to sqwash the water out.Finally run over to the laundrey mat and run her in a good dryer.
I have reaplyed the cover with a std stapler gun just put in as many as you can.
I have reaplyed the cover with a std stapler gun just put in as many as you can.
Active member
i would double check those bearings in those bogey wheels now. don't be surprised if they rust up on you now over summer.
New member
Close call...for the engine that is.
New member
Easiest way is to buy a new used seat... yours will never be the same. no matter how much drying, that seat will be an ice block every winter
Yooper Dooper
New member
I have been there with a Phazer 4stroke when they first came out. Tried to dry the seat out for days and it didn't happen. It was like sitting on a giant ice cube. replace it if you are going to keep the sled.
New member
Probably the only way to dry it out is to pull the staples so you can remove the seat cover and leave the foam near a source of heat or wait until summer to leave it out in the sun to dry it. It will take a long time to dry it out.
New member
Can't tell what you were riding on, river ice gets scary with the melt off we were having.That 780 Hauck power is no help now 

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New member
Wisno, thank you for your valuable input. I would think you will have to take the seat apart and hang the foam in front of a fan. Not in your cool damp basement. Somewhere warm and dry. For several days, if not weeks.. Good luck
New member
best bet is to get another seat...my original seat of the srx was never the same it felt like the foam was all mushy !!!! and that was with putting weight on it & sitting next the woodstove in the shop..
WIsnoRyder said:Idiot!!!!
I don't know what other forums youre on buddy, but around here we dont address one another like that. i think an appology is in order

Note to MODS: Not trying to step on any toes and do your job, but internet tough guys and big mouths really annoy me.
I agree with Netefrog. This is the most informative, helpful, professional forum on the net. Let's keep it this way. 

thanks everyone for the input, Ive got the seat foam drying out, this was in an area where the runoff from last weeks melt took a toll on a creek that feeds a small lake. Ive been thru there hundreds of times with no problems. When I felt the bottom go out from under me I got the front of the sled on dry land with a wide open pull of the throttle just enough to keep the most important part on dry land. No water in anything but the seat. could have been alot worse Ride safe everyone
New member
I dried out a seat from a REV a few years ago for a buddy of mine by hanging it from the ceiling above my wood stove for about 2 weeks, dry as a bone now!
New member
you might want to check your speedometer cable where it connects to the drive shaft (if Viper's are like this). If there's any water in the cable and it freezes, the key that goes into the shaft will break as soon as the shaft turns.
New member
Stephfg said:you might want to check your speedometer cable where it connects to the drive shaft (if Viper's are like this). If there's any water in the cable and it freezes, the key that goes into the shaft will break as soon as the shaft turns.
I know that my 04 Viper doesn't have one, its all electronic, I'm not sure about the 02's though.
New member
Im pretty sure all vipers use an electronic sensor so that should be fine. The rear skid should be fine afterall snow turns to water, id just regrease the zerks to push any water that got in out and ride it like normal.
GL with the drying, glad to see the whole sled didnt go down and you got outta there with some wet feet.
GL with the drying, glad to see the whole sled didnt go down and you got outta there with some wet feet.