sunk viper

TopGunnSrx said:
Im pretty sure all vipers use an electronic sensor so that should be fine. The rear skid should be fine afterall snow turns to water, id just regrease the zerks to push any water that got in out and ride it like normal.

GL with the drying, glad to see the whole sled didnt go down and you got outta there with some wet feet.

Viper_Jim said:
I dried out a seat from a REV a few years ago for a buddy of mine by hanging it from the ceiling above my wood stove for about 2 weeks, dry as a bone now!


gravity will dry the foam from a seat if it's hung correctly and long enough... do it in a warm room with a pail under to catch the water.... you may need to open one end of the cover to let the foam drain properly....
That is my worst fear right there....If you have a forced air furnace, take the cover off and just put it on a vent for a few days....
Another method that works wonders is placing it by a dehumidifyer, again, this will take time as well. IMO, I'd definitely try to dry it out before purchasing a new one.
wet seat

extremeviper said:
thanks everyone for the input, Ive got the seat foam drying out, this was in an area where the runoff from last weeks melt took a toll on a creek that feeds a small lake. Ive been thru there hundreds of times with no problems. When I felt the bottom go out from under me I got the front of the sled on dry land with a wide open pull of the throttle just enough to keep the most important part on dry land. No water in anything but the seat. could have been alot worse Ride safe everyone
i totally sunk my viper a few years ago and the seat will dry out. just take it off the sled and put it in a warm dry place and let nature do its thing. dont try to speed up the process by getting it warmer . you will only ruin the foam and possibly the cover .it will dry with no after affects. i can assure you it will be fine. good luck and glad you made it out of there safely . thats very scary
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i sunk my srx 4 weeks ago. Just got the seat wet. Hang the seat vertical and the water will run down to the bottom. Keep squeezing out the water. I kept mine in a basement by a wood stove and it was dry in a week.
