SRX top speed again

205 km/h on speedo, on spring ice, +12 degrees Celsius jetted for -20. On gps, hard packed trail on a 10 degree day, 113 mph, again jetted for -20.
Run it on the river. It's usually quite smooth. Find a nice loooong stretch.
if I didn't blow my track on the SRX I would be wrapping the needle around on the River right now... :o|
But in 2008 on a nice smooth River..basically Ice..I was reading 118 on my speedo..easy to watch actually when there is no bouncing going on and my head tucked to the dash.
tedgoesfast said:
ok guys i run sleds for years how can you read a speedo going 118

X2 - I can expand the display to about a 1" digit on my Garmin III and still have to wait 'til I stop to read recorded max speed. On a flat bay at least two miles long.

Plus the speedo is useless for actual speed beyond 30-40 mph... according to my GPS. At those speeds I can read the difference.

Admittedly I'd be considered an old man these days but I don't remember being able to read the speedo much above 60/70 mph without guessing. Once I started using a GPS and found how far off the speedo is I just never bothered looking anymore.

All those years I thought my 500 Indy could do 90... LOL.
there you go..see..!! I know there is a way to modify the gear for the speedo to get the speed pretty dead on...does anyone know the process for that off hand.
I have no problem reading the speedo up over the century mark[maybe its a Canadian thing! LOL!!!] but as has been stated, the actual speed only counts on GPS or Radar. The dreamo meters just vary way to much to be counted in real speed discussions.


hey Bob,what if I open up the speedo,remove the glass..bend the dial so it reads about 8mph standing still..put it all back together..then run wot and I should get dead on mph on
sideshowBob said:
I have no problem reading the speedo up over the century mark[maybe its a Canadian thing! LOL!!!] but as has been stated, the actual speed only counts on GPS or Radar. The dreamo meters just vary way to much to be counted in real speed discussions.



Very true my vmax4 speedo reads 118 when gps says 106
sideshowBob said:
I have no problem reading the speedo up over the century mark[maybe its a Canadian thing! LOL!!!] but as has been stated, the actual speed only counts on GPS or Radar. The dreamo meters just vary way to much to be counted in real speed discussions.



Must be all that fresh air up there... God's country ya know, eh? LOL.

Aside from the speedo calibration, I'd guess track spin plays a role... Except maybe on asphalt.
Taken a few hours ago on an "onboard helmet cam"
Hauck #5 kit works pretty good with some tuning, with that 1,25 track and 1 tooth down on top.


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so i saw 120mph on my 02 srx last season...which when applied to the proper formula.....comes out to not bad for stock either way :)
What surface are you guys on when you get these speeds? I could only squeeze out 160 km/h from my 02 srx on hardpack snow. I must have some serious problems with it, hope I didn't buy a dud.
Running on hardpack snow on river.
How tall lugs do you have in your track?
Did you check your powervalves?
