Gearing for 8 tooth drivers


VIP Lifetime Member
Dec 10, 2009
What gearing should I run with my 8 tooth drivers in my 98 SRX?

Aprox 1500' ran 93mph on gps and still pulling, but I thing the stock gears are hurting it
So will that gear give me a higher top speed
Or just get there quicker

I am
get there quicker. i'm geared down a little from stock to help spin the 136" track. A numarically ratio is a lower gear. Stock ratio is about 1.65:1 i think. My 1.80:1 gear pulls out of the hole but loses top end. search for the conversion formula on here. You divide the smaller gear into the larger, then multiple by 9 then divide by 8 to get the new final ratio. Or vice versa, can't remember.
Or just multiply by 1.125 your current gear ratio(larger number divided by smaller number) The 1.125 is the multiplication factor when you go to an 8 tooth driver(9tooth oem/8tooth). I was running a 1.86 final ratio(38bottom/23top=1.65 x 1.125=1.86) Top speed was in the low 90's at best in my 136. This year went to a 1.78(38bottom/24top) and can now break into the 100's on the speedo-dream-o-meter .
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You can change either gear, but there is a chart for what length chain you may need. One tooth may keep you in the chain that came in the sled, but it may not. I had to go to a 70 link chain w/ my new set-up, but was w/ a 68link on my old set-up. If you want the ability for more speed, you would need a numerically lower gear ratio. If you are running the stock gearing of 37bottom and 23 top= 1.61 ratio x 1.125(8tooth driver)= 1.81. W/ a 24 top gear the ratio would be 1.54 x 1.125(8tooth driver)= 1.73 final ratio, which would give you more ability for a faster top end.
On a side note, if you are running in your sweet spot on your clutching, by going to a higher ratio(lower numerically), it will load the motor more, thus you may have to take some weight out of the clutches, or go to a lower primary spring rate to keep you in the proper rpm range, but I am no expert in this area, and there are others on this site that can help in that realm.
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Thanks for all the info
With the stock gears and the 8 tooth drivers I am not getting all the way up on the primary.
I will try changing the bottom gear and see what it does for me.
It was a little to rough on the weekend to not keep my eyes up
But usually 8200-8500
I forgot about the multiply by 1.125 method. I suggest you shoot for the 1.65 to 1.80 final ratio. For all around riding, racing is track specific of course.
So with the stock ratio speeds in the 110mph area should be pretty easy?
With clutching etc
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What are the gears you have right now. I have a bunch of srx gears that will get you where you want to be. What is in there rght now?
I might just play with the secondary to see what happends
