Gearing for 8 tooth drivers

Gearing Chart

I run 8t drivers with 23/39 gearing on a '98 with a studded 136 ripsaw, I consistently average around 103mph. at about the same distance. In the past, performance was not as good and last year I replaced secondary buttons, belt and ran one of Turk's clutch setups...boy what a difference. How's your traction?
Traction is pretty good
168 studs

I'm sure with better conditions speed would have been better
Still looking for gears and or gears and chain to get me close to stock gearing
the best you're gonna do on the cheap is 23/37. that puts you at 1.80:1 to get any higher gearing, you will need either a 24 tooth top or 36/35 tooth bottom. those are not common for these sleds. I run 23/37 on my 99 with a 136" ripsaw, & 8 tooth drivers. seems pretty good all around.
you allso can get 24-25 top & 36 or 35 bottom if you get a hyvo chain.i am allso doing the same thing w/ 136 8t's.go to thay have them.i wood find a used hyvo from 00-03 srx-vipr.good luck.
ok I finally got my sled back and confirmed that I am running 23/37
I am looking for a 24 top and I guess a 70L chain

