What octane fuel do you run? Does it matter where you can get it? I started running the lowest grade fuel at the pump unless it is at a station that I know goes through alot of high grade fuel.
Look at it this way how many people do you know that run anything higher than 87 octane in their vehicles? the high octane fuel might sit in those tanks for months at a time before it gets used. I started running low grade fuels after I blew up my sled with bad high octane fuel from a small gas station. Talked to my friend who is a Polaris mechanic and he had training recently and they told him the same thing that there have been a ton of blown engines do to poor high octane fuel. They told him to run 87 octane.
Look at it this way how many people do you know that run anything higher than 87 octane in their vehicles? the high octane fuel might sit in those tanks for months at a time before it gets used. I started running low grade fuels after I blew up my sled with bad high octane fuel from a small gas station. Talked to my friend who is a Polaris mechanic and he had training recently and they told him the same thing that there have been a ton of blown engines do to poor high octane fuel. They told him to run 87 octane.
I run 94 when I fill up near home at a busy station
Other wise it depends on where I fill up
Never use mid grade cuz I think it sits too long
Other wise it depends on where I fill up
Never use mid grade cuz I think it sits too long
New member
Well the srx manual says to run 91 octane I believe. I'd just be scared to run low octane fuel in an engine designed for a higher octane. I'd think in your situation if you were worried, maybe 87 octane gas with octane booster added might be a valid option. At least I'd be able to sleep at night that way.
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That octane booster crap is a joke!! It actually makes the quality of fuel worse with most brands of it( been lots of tests done on it).Wayne084 said:Well the srx manual says to run 91 octane I believe. I'd just be scared to run low octane fuel in an engine designed for a higher octane. I'd think in your situation if you were worried, maybe regular gas with octane booster added might be a valid option. At least I'd be able to sleep at night that way.
The point of this thread is that at most gas stations the high and mid grade fuels sit in the tanks for along time.
New member
I realize what the point is, however not running the correct octane fuel that your sled is designed to run could be just as detrimental to the engine life as taking your chances with stale gas couldn't it? Also when I was a teenager, I worked at a gas station, and the 91 octane gas wouldn't have been too stale at that station because they only kept low volumes of gas in that tank since they didn't sell as much so it got cycled through more regularly. Not sure if this is true for other stations.
as long as you have it jetted correctly it isn't going to hurt anything to run lower octane. I haven't changed jetting on my sleds and the spark plugs are perfect.Wayne084 said:I realize what the point is, however not running the correct octane fuel that your sled is designed to run could be just as detrimental to the engine life as taking your chances with stale gas couldn't it? Also when I was a teenager, I worked at a gas station, and the 91 octane gas wouldn't have been too stale at that station because they only kept low volumes of gas in that tank since they didn't sell as much so it got cycled through more regularly. Not sure if this is true for other stations.
New member
Premium Only!!!!!!!!!!!! No Ethenol!!!!!!!!!
I only know of one gas station that has 91 octane non-ethanol fuel within 60 mile radious of where I live and it isn't on a trail it is in Red Wing. I have never in all my years of snowmobiling came to a gas station that had premium non-ethanol fuel.WIsnoRyder said:Premium Only!!!!!!!!!!!! No Ethenol!!!!!!!!!
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VIP Member
Mid-grade should be fine. It mixes low plus high from the tanks
at most stations. Was told this when I worked at a station with auto repair.
at most stations. Was told this when I worked at a station with auto repair.
Again with the starting threads, asking questions and then challenging the answers. Why do you do that?
Run premium only, burns cooler, all gas in the states has ethanol, unless you can fill up at a marina that are usually closed in the winter........ Or farm use gas supplied stations, go figure the corn growers wont run the fuel they make.....GOV> BS..........
Netefrog said:Again with the starting threads, asking questions and then challenging the answers. Why do you do that?
X2 - But since he's asking - If the premium fuel is stored underground chances are it'll still be better than 87 for a sled with a minimum 91 octane requirement - IMO.
SRX should run premium only with its motor. its why it has a large decal on it saying so. or it should unless it was removed
91 non oxygenated. Its avaiable at most all stations along the trail here an in WI.
captnviper said:91 non oxygenated. Its avaiable at most all stations along the trail here an in WI.
do you know of any stations close to st croix falls? i only know of one station that sell pure gas and its 87 octane.
if you have to get 87 just mix like 1 gal of 108 with 4 gallons of 87
I wasn't challenging him I was asking where he gets premium non-ethanol fuel on the trails? You say this like I do it all the time? When have I started a thread and challenged the answers I received?Netefrog said:Again with the starting threads, asking questions and then challenging the answers. Why do you do that?
That decal is just there to cover Yamahas butt. Kinda like when you go to the doctor and they give you a prescription and they give you the 2 page list of possible side effects that are virtually the same with every prescription you get. Just there to cover their butt.03viperguy said:SRX should run premium only with its motor. its why it has a large decal on it saying so. or it should unless it was removed
we only have 87 real gas, i run 91-92 w/10% corn and i've been fine for two years now. ive ran as high as 96 and i slowed down a lot, didnt need that high of octane.
wow, you guys bring up good points. never even thought about the 93 octane that i run sitting in the tank so long. whoever said to use midgrade is a genius, if they really mix 87 w/ 93. aint that just like america, put a better grade on the label and charge up the a** for it. even if its really not better quality. so whats better, stale 93 octane or fresh 87 octane? oh yeah, challenging other peoples answers is how ya learn more.(i dont think he was though, just asking questions)