What kind of SRX,Viper Owner are you ?


New member
Nov 16, 2010
When i bought my Viper last Fall I researched a lot on the best sled to spend my money on.I have two kids who eat up a lot of our extra money so I needed to spend wisely
I considered reliabilty,thrill factor,looks and settled on a Viper and I am thrilled with the decision I made.I have had a lot of fun with this sled.Its been incredilbly reliable and is as fast as I need.
Now if I could afford something new i probably would have gone that route.
So I ask you.Do you own your SXR,Viper because its what you can comforrtably afford or do you own it because you love them and own it in spite of being able to afford something new?
I bought a 2000 SRX 700 because I grew up on a 81 SRX 440 and would smoke by Blizzard 5500, 7500, 9500 and even 9700's. Yamaha was way ahead of their time back then.
I could by new, but the type of riding i do i will be riding my vipers for some time to come. Infact im looking to buy another one for my daughter. They are fast, fun, and easy to work on. And im one of those guys who loves to work on stuff. If i dont have a wrench in my hand im not happy. Gonna be a long summer for sure. I ride about 1000 a year between the trails and river.
I bought my 98 SRX after watching a SRX at the ice drags in Cobden Ontario last year.
It was putting the skis to much bigger sleds and I knew I was hooked
Sold my SXR and bought the 98 SRX
Haven't ridden it much this year due to problems, but the few times I have been out it left a huge smile on my face.
When I bought my Viper, it was because I wanted something reliable and that looked good. In my opinion, I nice shiny Viper still looks as good as the sleds that are coming out today, and alot of people didnt think mine was a 2002 when I told them. A few years back, I liked the styling of the Arctic cat F series sleds, but my dad would die before he ever allowed his son to own an arctic cat.... and knowing guys who I have them, I know why!

I was very impressed with the Viper when I had it, it always ran strong, and never left me stranded. It kept up with any sled out there, and I was just happy with it overall.
Im thinking now of putting an M-10 Skid under my Viper.I love the sound of the triple but it does need some help in the suspension area.
I would also love to by a low mileage SRX just for lake use.
The kind that bought brand new in '01, spent on upgrades to the suspension and a few other goodies and am happy with it but now has other priorities to spend time and coin on... namely the house and family and maybe another boat.

Well, the race car too but that doesn't count. ;>)

As for the decision to buy in '01...

Other than waiting too long replacing the track and long traveling it, I don't regret deciding to buy a sled needing upgrading front and read instead of squeezing out engine performance and I've still managed to keep most of that low slung -riding in it- feeling. It's not quite what my XCR was in the nastys but my XCR could never sing like the SRX does.

I only get one or two trips a year these days if I'm lukcy, and I ain't complaining, but I can putz around the house and have the room so it'll stick around a good long while.

Even a "domestic engineer" (LOL, thanks devil) 'sgotta have some respect.
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i bought my 98 SRX back in 2001 from my buddy because he was needing money for other things. i had ridened it before and i knew that was the one i wanted , especially compared to my 95-vmax 600 . that thing use to throw me around. It didn't disappoint me at all and dead nuts realiable. still have it and now has 23000km. found my 2001 SRX 2 years ago with very little miles and i knew i didn't like the way the newer yamaha 4 strokes handled so i bought this until i found something else or they made a change. now has 5200km and still looks like it came out of the crate. this will be my sons sled when i get my EPS/XUP Apex. buddy of mine finally got his 2008 -40th dailed in and now it handles like night and day so the newer ones should be better. those i know i could ride and be happy, although it still doesn't have that slot car handling of these. ;)!
I own a 02 - 03 Mtn Viper hybrid and a 06 Attak among other sleds. I have the Viper setup for off-trail and deep snow riding and I love it for that. If money was no object I woulld likely have a newer off-trail sled. I prefer the Attak on the trail as the 4-stroke with a Mono is real hard to beat on the trail. Of course a Viper with a Mono or other newer skid in it is a great trail sled, especially if it has pipes, etc. for more power.

I spring ordered my 02 Viper and have 12000 or better on them. I really like that sled and there is something special about the sound of those triples.
Well, growing up I rode what ever peice-o-crap my dad was willing to buy. Got away from sledding for a while and stumbled across a 95 thundercat 900 that was way to good of a deal to pass up. Had every intention of flipping once snow flew and makin a lil $. Endedup ridin it all season and picked up a couple more. A couple years ago I seen the error in my ways and sold everything that said "artic cant" on it....Havent looked back! Bought a 95 vmax 600 & a 77 enticer 340. This year I felt I had no choice but to upgrade. Couldnt decide between srx and sxr, So i bought both! Didnt take me long to lay claim to SRX as my sled and dont even look at it the wrong way! Sold the enticer and picked up a 97 vmaxx 700sx. They each have their own strong points but push comes to shove the SRX is here to stay! Alot of folks dont like the ride of an srx, I love mine with the pioneer kit. Boiled down to sxr and spend to get it faster or srx and spend money making it ride better. Did I mention I LOVE MY SRX!
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
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Cant remember who said it but I read it here. "once you pull the cord they are in the process of falling apart" I my self would rather have several older sleds for me,the domestic engineer, and who ever else happens to need something to ride than 1 or 2 new ones that I would still owe the bank for and be afraid of tinkerin around with!
My 01 SRX is creeping up on 14000kms and I have no intentions of selling it. I have a high paying government job so buying new is an option, but I'm happy with what I have. It puts a smile on my face every time I ride it.
I have always had SRXs among other sleds...I could get a new sled but Yamaha has yet to build anything that I can't resist like the SRXs have always done to me. I keep updating and tweaking my 2002 SRX and like that is unique in the group I ride with.
About 4 years ago I bought my Viper used cause its all I could afford. Was mint, now its beat. I took my buddies brand new Polaris 800 Rush for a little ride the other day. It is hard to describe the ride. Let me say beautiful suspension. Think I am gonna get one. But when I want to go faster, I will have my Viper. Think I will go through it after this season. It is just too beautiful to sell. Actually, after I cleaned the powervalves a couple weeks ago and started it up, it sounded so sweet I gave her a hug.
I have my '02 Viper because I just like them. Rode sleds in the 70's and 80's and they were all Sno-Jets and Kawasaki's (SST, Invader). Then got away from sledding for 20+ years. I have always loved the Yamaha sleds so when I got back in (just 3 years ago) I bought a '94 V-Max 600. Then upgraded to a '05 RX Warrior 4-stroke (only regret here is that it isn't fuel-injected). These sleds are heavy, but still a blast to ride. Lots of torque and power and a comfortable ride. Just don't get stuck. Then I was wanting to upgrade my '94 pogo-stick suspension sled for a newer one. So that is when I went searching for a Viper. Only reason I chose Viper over SRX is because of the suspension. Most of my riding is ditch banging and farm stubble fields.

I decided to get another 2-stroke because just like super1c, I like to turn wrenches. That 4-stroke just intimidates me to work on it. So went for the a Viper that was stretched to a 144". I have since added SLP pipes, Heelclicker clutch weights, rear SRX heat exchanger, Opticool head gasket, Bender helix, etc. Still working on clutching adjustments and such to get it dialed in.

Yamaha is just a good reliable all around sled, regardless which model you choose.
dcfjef if you ever need any tech info on that 4 stroke message me. In the process of rebuilding mine I got very familiar with it. One warning, ignore at your own peril! Put a tether on that Warrior in case you wreck.

Turn that warrior on its side or upside down with it running and you have NO oil pressure. Turning it back upright there is no guarantee the oil pump will reprime. That is what happened to my Apex before I got it.
We own the Vipers we have because at the time we were looking to upgrade, the dealer had 2 holdovers and the price was at a point where it was foolish not to buy them. Both have been great sleds and I still enjoy riding them once in awhile. My dad still rides his because he doesn't ride as much as I do, and doesn't really think upgrading is worth the money right now.
First sled I ever rode growing up was a little 250 single popper enticer......Always have loved the yamaha motorcycles, and the opportunity to buy a SRX from a family connection came to light.
It was the right price from someone I trusted for a first sled, and the countless issues and problems my in-laws have had with their kitty's and popo's made me hesitant to look at them...even though polaris is located near where I work.
PLUS.....I have always been one in the family (in-laws...large family, mom in law is one of 14) to buck the trend....drive a ford...they are a huge chevy family, they are all die hard Vikes fans (which I am deeply sorry for) and I have been a long time packers fan...(which I plan to get a pic of a lombardi trophy for them next time I go to Lambeau) and they all ride kitties....so it was just as much fun for me to create the ripples.
Honestly, the "final" selling point was stumbling across this website and reading countless stories about the quality of yamaha sleds. I have no desire to upgrade to something new....maybe some upgrades to the suspension on the sled...but it is one that I am happy with :letitsnow
Last but not least....blue is SOOOOO much more manly than the pastel purples, greens, oranges, and reds.....dare to be different here in MN!!!
I received a little ribbing after I bought the sled, but on my "virgin" ride of the sled, the first rider we came across had a viper and I was last of 4.....the first three kitties received a nod....and I got the full blown fist bump...AWESOME!
Zero problems in the inaugural year....my bro in laws kitties have been in and out of the shop all winter long.
A big thanks to the website and all who post.....from one hell of a happy owner!!!!!
Have owned FJ1200 Yami's for years now. Love the looks, fit and finish and of course reliability. Got the chance to ride an SX triple last year and loved it. Just handled and sounded exactly the way I like em' too. Was riding a 2000 Polaris Supersport(still a decent fan) which my wife has now and loves it. Deals happened, had the chance to buy a Viper before winter. I was addicted to that triple sound. There was no other choice except Yamaha. Bought the Viper for the looks and having a little more suspension.
Puts a grin on my face everytime I ride it. I let my wife ride it and she got off of it and said "it's so smooth, it makes my 550 seem like a bucket of bolts. I can see why you love it so much" I laughed and said,"that's the triple"
She want's one now.Another satisfied customah!
Here we go again............................
