What kind of SRX,Viper Owner are you ?

I have been a loyal Yamaha sled owner since 1990. I have owned sleds since 1979 and I switched to Yamaha for reliability first then performance. I went from a 1994 Vmax-4 to a 2000 SRX, bought new in 2000. My SRX is as much fun to ride today as it was on the first day. I enjoy the 00 SRX so much, I bought a second one 3 years ago as a backup and am looking for a third right now for my son. I have 13000 miles on my original 00 SRX, most of the miles put on while touring Quebec on 1500 to 2500 mile trips. The sled has never let me down on any trips. I consistently get 14- 15 MPG, it handles like a dream, has more power than I need for my riding style, puts a smile on my face everytime I hit the throttle, is comfortable enough for long trips and is SUPER reliable. I set my personal best day of 450 miles in 16 hours of riding in 2002 on the SRX. I am fortunate enough to be able to buy any new sled I on the market but nothing appeals to me like the 00 - 02 SRX. I am in the process of accumulating enough parts to keep my 2 SRX's in top condition for as long as I am alive, I built a spare engine, spare chaincase and have many other parts. To me, the SRX is the best sled ever made.
I got my 02" Viper on trade. A friend of mine needed some work done on his house and didn"t have the money to pay me, So we made a list of things I would do to take over the Viper...Best thing I've ever done!!! I love the Speed and it's dependable and the M-10 makes for a great ride...All of my friends ride other makes of sleds and as of right now their all Bolwn up or wrecked...But my YAMAHA'S are ready to ride...
rx1jim said:
I have been a loyal Yamaha sled owner since 1990. I have owned sleds since 1979 and I switched to Yamaha for reliability first then performance. I went from a 1994 Vmax-4 to a 2000 SRX, bought new in 2000. My SRX is as much fun to ride today as it was on the first day. I enjoy the 00 SRX so much, I bought a second one 3 years ago as a backup and am looking for a third right now for my son. I have 13000 miles on my original 00 SRX, most of the miles put on while touring Quebec on 1500 to 2500 mile trips. The sled has never let me down on any trips. I consistently get 14- 15 MPG, it handles like a dream, has more power than I need for my riding style, puts a smile on my face everytime I hit the throttle, is comfortable enough for long trips and is SUPER reliable. I set my personal best day of 450 miles in 16 hours of riding in 2002 on the SRX. I am fortunate enough to be able to buy any new sled I on the market but nothing appeals to me like the 00 - 02 SRX. I am in the process of accumulating enough parts to keep my 2 SRX's in top condition for as long as I am alive, I built a spare engine, spare chaincase and have many other parts. To me, the SRX is the best sled ever made.

I bought my viper new in 03 as an upgrade to my 95 vmax 600. I love the sound of the tripple engine. Over the years if upgraded or inhanced many things to my liking. When I lost the center crank bearing last year and tore the motor up I had to decide weather to fix it or get rid of it. I looked at the new stuff out there and there wasnt a whole lot to get excited about. I still like the older sit down style type of sled. So I found an engine and will enjoy it for a few more years.
i love the way my srx runs i got over 12000 miles on it and its never even been rebuilt, i did try a 4 stroke with a apex but i didnt like it, but i have a bad back so i like a standup type of sled so i bought a 500 sno pro and i ride it and think about my srxwhich is just so much faster and the fit and finish is so much better
Well what can I say?I rode my nephews new Viper in 02 for about 1/2 an hour and fell in love with it.I had ridden Doo's since the late 60's,but had seen pictures of the Viper and thought it was the best looking sled ever built.Still do.Purchased my 02 ER in 03 and am still riding it over 15k miles later with no motor builds.I fog in the spring(among other things)clean the carbs/exh valves,pull the susp. and insp. in the fall and then ride the crap out of it.I usually don't even look under it for the rest of the winter.I also clean the exh valves every 1000 miles.Saying all that,for me it's time for a change.For the riding I do I would like a Vector or Nytro.Leaning toward a Vector mostly because it would be a lot warmer machine to ride.I ridden days that were -35* and even a low windsheild on a Viper is cold then.The Viper is probably not going anywhere(couldn't sell for enough to make it worth while selling it) and my son will end up riding it.
