98-99 srx noticeable increase in power?

Did the base gasket/head mod to my 98, went from 133.5hp to 138hp.Dynoed it both times. The had cylinders ported by Darcy Rosentretter and went to 148hp.
kking32 said:
once ported are the extra base gaskets removed? will the shaved head also be left alone? thanks

yes, once ported you remove the extra base gaskets. the shaved heads will most likely be too tight, for the pump gas tho.
Ya goe back to stock gasket and use 2000 and newer heads. Don't use the 98 ones that were cut!
I've had my 99 SRX with 3500 miles radar 101mph in 1000ft. Trail sled with the heel clickers and gear. They work good I loosened the rear skid a bit and could pull the skis at pretty much any speed.
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