stay tried and true, or jump ship??

ridergonwild5692 said:
y buy a rev and bend the nun and go through 2 or 3 motors??

Yah after you change the nun the first time, you learn to just bolt it and loctite it on the next time, than it's not too bad to change, about a $300 fix for a brand new one. Definitely easier than having to buy a new tunnel when a trailing arm bends the tunnel where it mounts (i'm not criticizing the yamaha pro action setup. This has actually happened to me so I know). But seriously, the rev is a really fun machine to own. The 600 motor is really reliable, and has plenty of power on the bottom end. Just seriously lacking at the top, which probably doesn't matter if you're ditch banging. If you do go with a doo, my advice is don't buy an '03, they have weaker bracing, which leads to more frame bending up at the front where the motor is. They also have weak shocks that everyone ends out updating. Also you know you're gonna eventually shell out the money for the beaver tail delete, so you might just as well use that money to buy a year newer. The '06 up were supposed to be the toughest (updated nun). Finally, from what I've seen around here, the reliability issues of the 800 engine make it not worth having (maybe others have had better luck, but I doubt it).
twyztid said:
Apex's are an AWESOME sled. I rode my brother-in-law's 2009 2 weeks ago and loved it. I will be jumping over to one of those as soon as I can afford one.
Apex's are awesome! But not for ditch banging like he does. Best Yammies for this are new Phazer and Nytro. Or look at other brands.
i'm looking for something similar for next year just to play off trail. i'll probably go sxr 700, put a sc skid in it with 136 tip ups but set back for a 144. boss high rise, pivot bar risers, and better skis. but i like building stuff where it sounds like you want to buy something ready for your riding. so as much as i hate to admit it. yamaha just doesn't have a sled set-up for this outa the box. what a shame
Good points Staggs!

But I view ditch banging and jumping as separate from off trail riding. I use my Mt Viper for ditch banging from time to time - but avoid it. My zen is off trail/ tree riding. I think my Mt Viper is well set up
For that.

bluemonster1 said:

Thank you blue.

and yes they still build (assemble) sleds there as well. Although most of their parts are outsourced just like everyone else in the automotive industry.

I've rode a few of the renegades owned by friends i ride with. I liked the old rev chassis better then the new xp chassis. However the 600 etec seamed to be the better all around powerplant. However I still wouldn't buy one because i'm not the type of person to buy a new sled after 5000 km.

I was truely hoping that Yamaha was gonna bring some new sled to the market this year, but after seeing the same line up I'm thinking of jumping ship, looking at a polaris assault 800. However I will still keep my viper as I know at the end of the day it will be the reliable trip sled.
around here 4 srokes are getting cheap. seen some $3k phazers and some $4k nytros. good build quality and pretty decent ditch sleds.
so im looking hard at the phazer (no specific year or model). my worry is the lack of power compared to the srx. i know im dropping to 500cc compared to 700, but i also know that there would be a massive weight difference. anyone made this switch or ridden the two that can give me some input???
phazer will have nowhere near the power, but be leaps and bounds better than the srx in the bumps. and hey, a turbo always fixes the power, right?? ;)
I'm a bleed blue type of guy, but if you want to ditch bang and jump your sled, plain and a Ski-Doo, that's what they are built for. Keep the SRX as well though, don't sell it.
I cant see going from a 700 srx to any 500. I have a buddy who owns a 500 phazer and he complains it doesnt go fast enough to keep up with the group.
is that the 500 fan 2 stroke or 500 4 stroke? have ridden with a woman that had one, she kept up fine on the trails
i was looking at the 500 4stroke. i guess my worry is going from a 700 powerhouse to a 500. i want something that i can inch up to a drift, grip the throttle and the sled stands strait up, and can take the "abuse" of jumps exc... im not so conserned about top speed. going fast is great, but im an off trail kinda guy.
if ditch banging i would also go with an XTX Nytro. good low end torque and very good top end when you need it. i will be switching as well soon but i'm going to a good used 2011 or newer Apex. i do mostly trail riding
ok.... lots of good ideas for jumping ship......

so lets talk about the flip side of the coin and say i stick with the srx.
i found a skid extension kit for around $700. (121-144x15x1.5) if i where to go this route i would also want to do ohlins front shocks. i have heard that you can put viper shocks in your skid and its much better, is this true? anyone done a setup like this???
are you still using all stock suspension? the viper shocks are only better in that you end up with more travel. for $700, find a mono shock or a nytro skid and really update the thing, not just a longer track. my thought at least
i thought about that....but i pay 700 for a skid, then i still need to pay another 500-700 in track. trust me, i would rather go the new skid route, im just not made of money, and the extentions is more affordable.

yes im still running all stock suspension
I think the best bet would for sure be a different skid. the viper shocks are better, but you are still left with a proaction. if you are going to spend the $$ on just those shocks I feel it is better put towards a different skid altogether. you are on the right path :) and WAY cheaper than a new sled!
OK I'm weighing in here... I put a 136" IQ in this year and was really pleased with it. I was amazed at how much lighter it is compared to the old proaction. The skid was only $300. so with a track and a used tunnel ext. I was just a little over $800. You've got all summer to bargain hunt...
