How to ser spring tension in secondary clutch ???


Mar 6, 2005
How to set spring tension in secondary clutch ???

Since I'm a Ski-Doo guy I'm used to Ski-Doo secondary clutches so I must ask for some help here...

How do I set the pre tension on the Yamaha secondary clutch ?

Sled : Yamaha OVATION

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With Yammi's, we call it twist, or wind. Set one spring end in one whole on the helix and then in a hole on the secondary sheave. The add the number and multiply by 10 for your degree of twist, or wind. Most go 3-3 for a 60 degree wind to start, that's where they come stock.
Super Sled said:
With Yammi's, we call it twist, or wind.
Set one spring end in one whole on the helix and then in a hole on the secondary sheave.
The add the number and multiply by 10 for your degree of twist, or wind.
Most go 3-3 for a 60 degree wind to start, that's where they come stock.

I think I need some more help to set the spring since there is only one hole in the secondary sheave !!

the tech section says 120 degrees , so you put the spring in the hole in the sheave . on the helix you can use any one of the three evenly spaced holes to get the 120 twist the other hole that is next to one of the 120 holes is the only fine adjustment on that clutch and lookes like it would give you about 130 degree twist. hope that helps.
bluemonster1 said:
Take a pic of your secondary sheave for us to see.
Are the holes in the helix numbered at all ??

No, no numbers on the helix at all.

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9801srx said:
The tech section says 120 degrees.
So you put the spring in the hole in the sheave.
On the helix you can use any one of the three evenly spaced holes to get the 120 twist.
The other hole that is next to one of the 120 holes is the only fine adjustment on that clutch,
and lookes like it would give you about 130 degree twist.

But how much must I twist the secondary sheave before pushing it down against the helix to get 120 degrees ?

9801srx said:
The tech section says 120 degrees,
so you put the spring in the hole in the sheave.
On the helix you can use any one of the three evenly spaced holes to get the 120 twist,
the other hole that is next to one of the 120 holes is the only fine adjustment on that clutch and lookes like it would give you about 130 degree twist.

OK, so I twist it 1/3 turn to get the right pre setting.

All Ovation has exactly the same clutch set up...
...But in the Tech Section there is two different facts about the secondary spring pre setting.

( 1989-1992 ) Secondary setting 120
( 1993-2000 ) Secondary setting 50

