1973 SR 643B Eagle River Build

that is why i asked them 2 questions... knew it would not be wise to post numbers... sled looks really nice.. hope you do very well.. look forward to future progress reports.....

Thank you very much, at this point we just need to get some testing done in terms of setting up the sled, getting the clutching and jetting done, and getting used to the higher speeds. If we could possibly make the finals on this sled, we would be in absolute shock and be beyond excited. The class is expecting a huge turn out this year as the final year of the big engine sleds for the WC race.
that sled is a work of art and a real testament to your abilities. very well done, and GOOD LUCK!!!
Well...Long story short...The reason we did not make the race on that sled was because 2 weeks prior to the race we were out on Jenny Weber Lake testing it. We had an eagle river size track out there plowed off and were doing some final touches on the clutching and jetting and we were finally getting some really good speeds out of the sled. (It was truly running well and had a good chance of making finals). I ended up rolling the sled going down the straight due to a funky front suspension setup we had just changed before we took it out on its last run. Shockingly the sled was not damaged too badly and the two items that took the biggest beating were the scoop and one of the heads. We could have got it going in time for the race but it got vetoed by the higher authority in the household. haha

We did end up bringing home two first place trophies that weekend though which was more than impressive. We won the 340 Single Fan SS class on our trusty 250 ET which has placed 1st, 2nd, and 1st the last three years at eagle river and also won the the 340 liquid SS class on our 340 SRX for the second year in a row. We also brought a 338 GPX to the races but got cut in the semi finals (needed to place 5th or better...placed 6th after a restart).

With all that said, we were broken hearted by not running the SR at the races but we intend on fixing it up shortly to get some more seat time on it. The thing was incredibly fast and made my well tuned 2000 SRX feel like a turd.
pics? thats a real shame guys, sorry it happened! at least you weren't hurt and neither was the sled, too badly at least. here is to a speedy fix up. rubber side down! ;)
was wondering what happened ...sorry to hear the bad news about the sled... congrats on the wins!!! way to represent!!!
