Yamaha viper ? Switching from a REV 800


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Okay well I am throwing around the idea of jumping ship cause I have a high mile (5500) 05 mxz 800 rev and I know that the sealed crank bearings have a limited life. Not to mention I think my 800 is a fluke cause it runs alright but not as strong or pulls as hard as it should. I found a 2003 viper original owner locally with a low 1500 miles. He is giving it away for only $1800 because he needs the money for car restoration projects . He originally listed it for 2600.
Only thing is I am a accustomed to my rev with e-start and reverse. Is it worth the hassel to add this or not. My dad loves his viper and I like it. Do the vipers handle differently if i stretch one out to a 136? I also found a 2003 er viper with 2800 miles for 2500 would this be more logical. The er also has a olhins rear shock.
Can i get the viper to ride as good as my rev. I know my rev is set up pretty good even with only a sc3.
I will do some searches to find out more.
Anyone want to by my rev? LOL
What are the +/- of owning a srx 01,02 VS a Sxviper
other than the difference in suspension? Does a stock srx walk all over a clutched viper?
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i am yamaha all the way but to be honest most people that like the rider forward style like the rev has then you probably wont like the vipers style. if you get one i would get the er, it would cost about the same amount if you put electric start, reverse and the ohlins shock on the cheaper one. usually stretching a sled out to 136 will make it turn a little harder, may find yourself using better carbides, but the ride diffrence is well worth it.
Well I liked my rev to a point but I was in a accident on it last year and have been struggling to get used to the machine since. I feel more confident on the older traditional sleds now. I could try some skis on my rev but I have some good seat time on the viper and it is pretty good. I also spent some of this past season on a SXr 500 and I just feel like the older sleds are way easier to point and shoot. I have 6" dolly woodys carbides on the sx500r. That thing turns like it is on rails. Oh and I think the fault with rider forward sleds is the high seat and the amount of body language needed especially in a icy corner or low snow conditions. I smucked a tree on my rev on a icy 90 degree turn last year. Even after 1500 mi i still cant get comfortable on it. Are the rear shocks on the sx viper rebuildable?
bleedblue89 said:
Well I liked my rev to a point but I was in a accident on it last year and have been struggling to get used to the machine since. I feel more confident on the older traditional sleds now. I could try some skis on my rev but I have some good seat time on the viper and it is pretty good. I also spent some of this past season on a SXr 500 and I just feel like the older sleds are way easier to point and shoot. I have 6" dolly woodys carbides on the sx500r. That thing turns like it is on rails. Oh and I think the fault with rider forward sleds is the high seat and the amount of body language needed especially in a icy corner or low snow conditions. I smucked a tree on my rev on a icy 90 degree turn last year. Even after 1500 mi i still cant get comfortable on it. Are the rear shocks on the sx viper rebuildable?

I have to agree with some of what you are saying. The season before the one that just past on a ride through a wide winding cottage summer road my step bro wanted to trade his rental 09 AC F6 snopro for my 01 srx 700. No comparrison. The old SRX flat out owned that F6 when it came to accurate and predictable handling throught the turns. That rider forward cat wanted to get up on one ski everytime i tried to attack the corners like I would on my SRX, for me it was no fun, I couldn't ride my way. Sit down chassis all the way for me. Apex at the most.
on this board 5500 miles is almost low-mile yamaha!!! get a viper you will be happy
Well my friends at ski doo made sealed crank bearings standard and as soon as the isoflex grease runs out your crank is junk. So new bearings maybe needed it is only a matter of time.
heres my 2 cents. let me start by saying, "i bleed blue !!" BUT !!! I swiched my trail sled this past season to an 04 600 h.o rev. NEVER WILL I GO BACK.. I still own 3 yamahas, all 3 srx's. 2-race sleds 1 stock. the rev doesnt have the power or throttle responce, but it is so awesome through the trails. That sled doesnt pass a jump. pushing 40, a rev lets you ride like ure 20 !!!!!!!!
based on what you're saying, adding a seat riser and handlebar riser to a viper might be the perfect combo for you. I've ridden revs and IQ chassis sleds and while I tend to favor the poo IQ, I must say adding a seat riser, new bars, and riser to my viper makes it the perfect sled for me. It has pushed me off considering a newers sled for 2 seasons now. It's not a true rider forward, but it has a totally different feel than a stock viper and is 100 times more comfortable.
if you have seat time on a viper and like it, I would get one. I know you can always add the doo skid if its one you are comfortable on. I added a monoshock to mine, and if you trail ride it is a great skid. really makes a difference if you are a groomed trail rider. if you like to jump, the doo skid may be the way to go. that or a nytro skid. put the opticool gasket in the viper, I would add a rear heat exchange if it doesnt have one, and ride the heck out of it. sounds like a great price and nice low miles. do it!
Not sure on what I am going to do yet. I might just by the sxviper and I have gotten on calls on my rev. I might tinker with the rev (new rings, skis and different shocks) and if it doesnt get any better see ya ski doo.
Oh I know this is a yamaha forum but has anyone owned or rode a mach z or other doo triple.

03 viper guy I am a trail rider who doesn't mind pilling on the miles like (200 in a day in the up) . Not a off trail or ditch banging snow bank jumper at all. I have a need for speed and acceleration!
I like bigger bore sleds 700+.
then I really think that a viper with a mono, m-10, whatever would be an excellent sled for you. I think you might not end up as happy with a mach z. I think they are cool sleds, just a good deal heavier and not as nice a suspension up front or in the back. have heard of some reliability issues with the newer ones, not sure how true it is.
I had a 98 formula 3 600. Heavy in the snow, not bad on the trails. Blew the crank on center cylinder. Common. Viper is a lighter faster funner sled.
Netefrog said:
I have to agree with some of what you are saying. The season before the one that just past on a ride through a wide winding cottage summer road my step bro wanted to trade his rental 09 AC F6 snopro for my 01 srx 700. No comparrison. The old SRX flat out owned that F6 when it came to accurate and predictable handling throught the turns. That rider forward cat wanted to get up on one ski everytime i tried to attack the corners like I would on my SRX, for me it was no fun, I couldn't ride my way. Sit down chassis all the way for me. Apex at the most.

Please.... don't compare an F6 to a Rev. They are not even close when it comes to ergonomics and the rider forward chassis. I would actually say the F6/F7 are closer to the traditional seating position than rider forward.

For the switch, if you don't ride the twisties fast the Viper is fine but it will not keep up with a Rev in the tight technical parts of the trails. Suspension on the Rev's are much better also through the bumps.
