On a previous thread I asked about a torque limiter. Super1c thanks for the good info and you sparked another question I now have. I was noticing unusual belt wear and I was thinking it was most likely because of an alignment issue and that sparked the past torque limiter question. However, with Super1c metioning broken engine mounts causing excessive belt wear (which is what I have) I am now wondering if I have broaken engine mounts. Whats the best way to check your engine mounts? Do you need to pull the engine? And is it probable that the mounts are fine but my clutch alignement is messed up? I suppose I should probably check the alignement first?
Super Moderator
The 2 front are easy to check. Youll need to take your airbox off and carbs to get a look at the back ones. A little bending, flashlight and mirror you should be able to inspect them pretty well. Grab a hold of the primary clutch and try to move the engine. If you have a busted motor mount the engine is going to move a bit more than normal. For engine alignment spend the money and buy a tool. Makes alignment a piece of cake. If you get the torque limiter you will want to use the SRX alignment specs, basically the same as the viper without the slight offset. Chris
Ok, great thanks again. Would you recommend the yamaha alignment tool or just a generic one? BTW I have already ordered my SRX torque limiter because of your advice. I'll have to start looking for the instal specs.
Super Moderator
Here's a good post to help ya get it installed. All the holes are their, so very easy install. I did remove mt clutches and carbs. Made it much easier. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=68014&highlight=torque+limiter
Darn Tootin'
Grab the engine and see if you can horse it around. If it moves around at all, then you likely need to replace at least some of the mounts. Be sure to use a bit of force and aplly pressure in all directions.
Thanks for the advice. Now I need to look for a good alignment tool. Does anyone have any preferences? Since I'm putting in an SRX limiter and I'll follow the SRX specs for alignment should I be looking for an SRX alignment tool or are they universal? I assume most are universal.
Darn Tootin'
Should be able to get one from Ulmer Racing. http://www.ulmerracing.com/
Look under Accessories.
I believe these are made by Advant-Edge, at least they were initially.
Look under Accessories.
I believe these are made by Advant-Edge, at least they were initially.
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get the Yamaha Pro tool...
New member
i actually have had the rear clutch side mount rip the bulkhead two different times on two different chassis. had to pull the track and weld it up. not fun. the mount was good but was able to move around.
The most common problem is on the left front engine mount a viper it´s bolted to the engine with 2 bolts they often break, the srx have a 3 bolt engine mount 1 more bolt on the primary clutch side. Put in a srx engine mount and the thorque limiter and adjust it to srx specs and you will never have a problem again. My friend who drive snowcross bolted a hockeypuck under the engine to have a stop and don´t flex the engine mounts to much and break them.