outboard won't run right

Do I take a holesaw bit and and start drilling holes in the cover or what...

or maybe a k'n cone stile filter sticking through the cover.

could it just be that you need to lean out the fuel to compensate for less air with the cover :dunno:
i think i'd get the drill out
lmao...here is something new to learn as I have.You know I never give up.Turns out to be the exhaust was the problem.I had a barrel that had a solid top on it.Originally I only cut out enough material just to get the motor to fit inside the barrel.WELL to my surprise..I found an inlet for air on the bottom left side below the shift lever..this is where the carb gets the air flow..NOW can you believe that my exhaust was swirling around and being sucked into this intake opening and replacing the oxygen supply.MOTORS don't like exhaust smoke in placement of oxygen..WE to wouldn't want to breath in smoke into our lungs... :o| man it sure amazes me how we all learn new things every day..wouldn't of belived this was the problem.NOW this outboard performs like the SRX.I give her from idle full throttle and nearly had the motor jump out of the barrel..lol ..this motor is really responsive now,,WICKED to say the least. ;)! Got 1 good motor now..now if I find a coil and a stator for the other..THAT will make two...BUT can't really afford $3 to$400 for a stator..SO it becomes my spare parts motor..ALL DONE HERE!!
You will find me on here again some day with some other stupid problem and as USUAL is will be a mystery again to solve..BUT I never friggin quit...LOL :rulez:
7.5 Merc

I just had similar issues with a 18 hp Merc. As you said frustrating, I did all the stuff you did with no luck, took it in to a dealer and he found the motor ran fine. The damn gas tank was junk ! I replaced the tank with a plastic unit and now it is fine. Just a part of my experience with outboards. I have also had issues with water in the gas, bad coils and throttle sync. Forgot to mention the damn kill button, little bugger also gave me fits. Would check out fine until the motor was running then short out. Bypassed it and moved on from there. Good luck !
well it was a learning experience just like working on sleds.Once you get the hang of it and get more knowledge..it actually becomes easier and less frustrating.At least I got it going at the expense of other dumbies who just decided to unload the motor hoping the new owner won't notice a problem.Bunch of twits if you ask me..I guess they don't like to learn about things..just if it don't run ..chuck it or sell it to some other poor unasuming idiot.Don't have much faith in a lot of humans anymore when it comes to buying gas running motors..be it sleds or outboards.It has made me all the wiser and to ask a lot of questions next time.... :o|
