Replacement cost for Insurance


New member
Nov 11, 2003
Lapeer MI
I am trying to find out how much replacment cost to insure my Sleds and Quad for. Is there a website out there other than Kelly blue book that would give me this information
I have a

99 700 SX
98 600 XT

03 Kokiak 450
I'll just apologize for the soap box up front... Here's my take on it. Shouldn't the insurance company be telling you what they're gonna pay if it gets totalled? It's a catch 22. They want you to tell them what the value is in order to charge you for that amount of insurance. So let's say that you say your 99 SX 700 is worth $6000. They don't have a problem at all charging you for $6000 worth of insurance. But when you go to make a claim they only payout what it costs to by another 99 SX 700. So you pay for $6000 worth of insurnace and they cut you a check for maybe $2500 if it gets totalled because they miraculously figured out what it's worth and what they're gonna pay. They don't ask me what my truck is worth when I buy insurance for it so why ask on my toys? OK, I'm gonna get down now... Insurance just plain pisses me off and I won't even get started on the rates. They make it damn near impossible for the guy trying to do the right thing and then they wonder why so many people either don't have it or abuse it.
SUCKS!!! But you got to have it.....

We just insured two new sleds through State Farm. They also wanted the value of the sled. I agree totally with the previous statement. I can also say that when I was trying to decide whether or not to drop from full coverage down to PLPD on a 96 Blazer they couldn't tell me what they would give me for it if I totalled it under full coverage. This is an industry that needs to have some monitoring and regulations.
now here is a can of worms open all over the
INsurance here in Canada is no better.
They don't know what the payout would be if totaled, here we pay for the whole year and you can't change the insurance to fire and theft during the summer. We pay collision all year even when stored in my garage for the summer. There is no way they can justifie such high premiums.
IMHO I wouldn't even put full coverage on sled, just liability if possible. My full coverage was 270$ for the year (just payed my loan off so its not needed anymore) my liability on the otherhand is ONLY 38$ for the year. On a 97-98 modle sled 2-3 years worth of money saved on the difference in premium price would pay to fix any "mishaps" you have, unless you total a sled every year (I KNOW some people that do)

In canada or i should say in ontario we have to keep liability on all year round.this past october my 86 monte carlo ss was stold and now they increased my comp deductible on my sled to 1000 dollars,they now say that i have a history of loss so they increase my deductilbe thats crap
They increased your deductible to $1000 and you had no choice in that decision. Time to look at other Companies. They all are a rip off but some not as bad as others.

Also here is a site that someone form the TY Forum gave me for pricing of sleds. it seem a little more accurate than Kelly Blue book.

ya but the problem is that i can't get any better rates then i have ontario alot af insurance companies wont insure over 600 cc
wow....looks like some one hit a nerve. I just got my renewal. I pay $137 per year which covers two sleds. (no collision). My biggest concern is theft. Regardless of the year, my sleds are insured for a value. ($4999 and $2999). The cost is also relavent to the claimed value. All this company deals with is sleds. I always thought it was a pretty good deal.

$360 full coverage they base that on $13000 list plus tax new
What company are you with? I have mine through my homeowners. $74 for 98 600XT and $103 99 SX 700 for full coverage and $500 deductible.

2 years my buddies truck, trailer, and 4 sleds were stolen. I had a sled in the trailer. My insurance for the sled was 270 , including 250 deductable, value of 10,000.00, I insured it for actual value rather than replacement, got most of it. My car with full coverage cost 800, truck with liability, fire, theft vandalism, cost 400. Last winter, I came out of an avalanche and smoked a tree. They wrote my sled off, said it was worth 5500.00 (the one that cost me 24000.oo in May) and fought me tooth and nail for that. A month after payout, I was told that due to the "high number of claims" (2 in 20 years) they would not be able to cover me. I was now refused insurance, the car went to $5000.00 per year. I shopped everywhere, the cheapest I can find now is 2700 a year for my car, 1500 liab only for the old truck, 50 liab only for the sled. If I want to add fire theft vandalism, add 200, and for all perils its another 1280.00. Dont get me started on which of these bastards needs a bullet first. I am told it may get a little better in July, but for now there is no collision on the sled or quad, the car has everything of course, and the truck has nothing on it.
When this country revolts the first thing I'm gonna do is find me an insurance co CEO and cook him for dinner.
What you guys don't seem to understand is that the insurance companies aren't making tons of money off of your insurance. Some now won't offer you the insurance because they have taken it on the chin for so long. Face it, an insurance company is in business to turn a profit. If they don't then they might as well close their doors. Most companies now are having problems breaking even due to the amount of insurance fraud out there. I'm sure everyone of you guys knows someone who has totaled their sled because they needed the money to go and buy a new one as it is easier to have the insurance company buy your sled then for them to sell it on their own. These are the people that you guys should be pissed off at. They are the ones that make your rates as high as they are. If everyone told on the guy who did this type of "crime" your rates would be a lot lower.
And about the value of your sled. The insurance companies don't pay replacement cost values on average vehicles. The cost would be too much for you to pay. They do provide ACV and most use a market value consisting of comparable vehicles that are for sale in your area. And believe me, the price they pay for your sleds in a market value market is extremely reasonable.

vmaxkid- got to say bullshit to you , sorry. You think that 1600+ a year for sled insurance is reasonable? A theft, and a collision, the only claims in 20 years driving, one not even my fault and insurance goes from 800-5000 is reasonable? Does your Family own an insurance company or what? I have never commited insurance claim, and I dont know of anyone that has either.
KbxSrx - I don't think Vmaxkid was disrespecting you and your situation but more describing how a bunch of greedy phucks have spoiled it for you and the rest of us.

I have a buddy with no previous claims who had a string of luck similar to yours and got cancelled entirely for a period of time. NO insurance company would touch him for a span of time. The good news is the premiums did in fact go back down to a more "normal" rate after a period of time as he had no more claims other than that one string of bad luck.

I realize it doesn't help your situation much but you're not being singled out and it will in fact get better with time.
My comments were not directed to you. I was commenting in general what is happening and why insurance costs are so high.
If your insurance company is charging you an extremely high premium go somewhere else and try.
From what you are saying, you are being charged a lot for insurance. Find another carrier. This may be difficult as a record of your claims is kept and each carrier may view your insurance history.
No disrespect to anyone but insurance is a F'n scam, just like taxes which can be our next topic of discussion :lol: . And it's gonna get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Think about it... it's mandated by the governement but there are no regulations. They can charge you whatever they feel like, collect your money for years, and then when you need them ONE time they drop you like a bad habit on a good day. Yeah, the dishonest people that make the false claims do piss me off but the insurance companies are doing nothing but hurting the HONEST, LAW ABIDING people by making it damn near impossible for them to afford the costs. They're soaking the good guys for premiums and the dead beats still get away scott free! And then they want you to insure everything you own with them in order to cover anything. While I understand that it's "safer" for them to have more of your stuff to draw premiums from it's also a bitch when they decide to drop you for no good reason and then ALL your stuff is uninsured. You can't tell me they're not making money and turning a profit. Hell, they're practically eliminating their risk when they soak someone for premiums for years and then discard them like a dirty snot rag when they make a claim. It makes you practically scared to make a claim because of what they do!
Most institutions (Lending and Insurance) use NADA in my business (the automotive business). Not sure about the rec. business, but NADA does provide free online rec. vehicle values. far as the validity of what the insurance companies do or the service they provide? I'm sure some other small business owners out there can tell some stories! but I'm not going to go there...I'm going riding instead!
