Replacement cost for Insurance

Just to get it straight... The insurance industry is heavily regulated by government. In fact an insurance company cannot just raise rates because they feel like it. They have to get permission for a rate increase from the state's insurance department.
I investigate suspicious insurance claims so I think I know what I am talking about. In fact there has been more than once that I have been on this web site where members have wrote about crashing their sleds for the insurance money. That really ticks me off. And yes it is those people who are driving your insurance premiums higher and higher. If the law of averages was evenly played without the fraud then the insurance companies would be doing well and your premiums would be lower.
Lets not forget the BS law suits that are filed everyday by questionable attorneys because you tap someone at a traffic light but there is no damage to their vehicle and they and their 5 other friends have to call an ambulance and treat for months for injuries they don't have so they can build a law suit against you. Then one day a server knocks on your door and serves you with a law suit for $1,000,000 +++++++
Who do you run to now??? Of course, your insurance company. Just like attorneys, you hate their guts until you really need them.
So basically what you're saying is we're right back to the GOVERNMENT laying the wood to us! Nice. I just wish they had the common decency to give us a reach around. Anyone want to talk about taxes, social NON-security, and healthcare? :lol:
