Viper clutching


New member
Oct 7, 2005
I have a set of hh's I bought from Simons back in the day but have messed with them over the years and forget how they were loaded. Does anyone know and also what all is in his supertune kit? It's been along time since I ran a viper! Thanks guys!
jminor1 said:
I have a set of hh's I bought from Simons back in the day but have messed with them over the years and forget how they were loaded. Does anyone know and also what all is in his supertune kit? It's been along time since I ran a viper! Thanks guys!

what's all done to the viper?
Sweet thanks! I know it was the weights , 2 springs and stock helix. I believe the secondary is a silver. Any help is appreciated!
Josh, sorry it took so long to get back, but here ya go:

48g base
hole #1=1/4" set screw (.9g)
hole #2=3/8" steel bolt + 1 thick washer (2.6g + 1.4g)
hole #3=3/8" steel bolt + 1 thin washer (2.6g + .4g)
black HH spring (150/300 lbs)

The H/H sheet says nothing about secondary spring. I think that a silver is too much for snow trail use on a stock viper. Green should be enough IMO.
mopar1rules said:
Josh, sorry it took so long to get back, but here ya go:

48g base
hole #1=1/4" set screw (.9g)
hole #2=3/8" steel bolt + 1 thick washer (2.6g + 1.4g)
hole #3=3/8" steel bolt + 1 thin washer (2.6g + .4g)
black HH spring (150/300 lbs)

The H/H sheet says nothing about secondary spring. I think that a silver is too much for snow trail use on a stock viper. Green should be enough IMO.

Josh would be using this setup on my sled. How aggressive is this setup? I've never had a clutched sled. I've only rode my brother's srx 700 with a bender roller rooster secondary, its nice and smooth with the power delivery, but fast as heck. How much do springs sell for?
