How much does track expand under acceleration?


VIP Member
Jun 12, 2011
Muskegon Michigan
I want to go with a 1" studded track on my viper with 1.080 studs so I started doing some clearance measurements at the rear mount middle mount and the front drive. I calculated to starting point of each where the track will rest and added the total height of the track , lugs and studs. I compared that to a straight line across my tunnel strips at each point and to the heat exchanger w/o the protector installed . This is what I have came up with. At the rear I will have about 3/8" clearance between the stud tips and the tunnel strips. At the middle (small wheels) I have just over 1/16" clearance and at the drive I have approx 3/4" to the face of the exchanger itself. As you can see it's pretty tight and I know I'm gonna be doing some trimming on the lugs. I'm just trying to figure out how much to trim so I want to factor in track expansion or "ballooning" so I only have to trim lugs once. Also what have you guys used that worked good to trim lugs. Thanks Guys GIL
Gil i couldnt tell ya how much a track balloons. But i can tell ya that on my wifes 1" lug track i trimmed just enough so that the lugs didnt hit the protectors while turning by hand. It was about an 1/8" or just over. I used tile nippers, you can also use those flathead nail nippers also. I have had no rubbing issues and no stud marks in exchangers. She is running a 1.075 signature by woodys. chris
Thanks for the replies guys. I saw some channel lock nippers about 1" wide at the hardware that look like old horse hoof nippers that I though would work. Thanks again GIL
You were able to run a 1.25 ripsaw on your viper? What else did you have to do beside trim for the strips and exchanger protectors. Were you also running studs? Thanks GIL
gil7247 said:
You were able to run a 1.25 ripsaw on your viper? What else did you have to do beside trim for the strips and exchanger protectors. Were you also running studs? Thanks GIL
No studs on mine.... 1" is the biggest you can go with and still run studs w/o changing the drivers.
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:

exactly right, youll get more ballooning from the braking and they will rub right under the gastank area, if loose enough, it will look like a great white shark chewed its way up thru your tunnel.
I'm gonna go with a 1" hacksaw and trim for the exchanger and tunnel protectors. I plan on runnin 1.075 woody's studs I'm hoping this all will clear w/o problems. Thanks for the info I value you guy's opinions. GIL
