needle settings


New member
Jan 14, 2008
this for a 2000 SRX 700

Do I have to move the needle setting in my carbs for 500 ft grass drags or do I leave them alone I'm running 135 mains and 50 pilots 1 3/4 turns out on the fuel screws ;)! I've looked it up and I did not find aything on needles for drag purpose
Leave It. Do Not Drop Your Srx Down That Low. The Srx Triple Engine Loves Fuel. Don,t Be Lured Into The Lean Is Mean Way Of Thinking. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
YAMMIEGOD3:16 said:
Leave It. Do Not Drop Your Srx Down That Low. The Srx Triple Engine Loves Fuel. Don,t Be Lured Into The Lean Is Mean Way Of Thinking. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
Don't you run 133's in your SRX ;)!
I can feel a burn down coming soon your way.SRX's love are straving yours and possibly why your sled was running a little slower last season in races.Dump fuel into her and watch her rip....I am in the 147..145 zone myself and my DCS stays off.
I Ran Exactly What You Have Here And Thought It Was Set Until I Dynoed My Srx And Saw Fuel Starvation And Had To Abort My Pull. Yammie Triple Love To Drink Gas. Drop Alittle, Not That. And No Need To Touch Your Needles. 3:16 (yammie Tony)
