Clutch Puller Specs

Just make shure they are strong.I have seen 2 break off already inside the cluch/crank.
Yup kinda leaning that way. I didnt know they had to be THAT strong. I borrow one from the local dealer everytime... Not a big deal. Thanks for all the info.....AGAIN! :)
to avoid bending or breaking your pullers, pump grease into the end of the crank where the puller threads into before putting the puller in. As the puller indexes into the hole of the crank it and the grease create hydraulic pressure which helps to push the clutch off. It works great and takes a lot less torque on the puller to get the clutch off. If you don't want to get things greasy, tip the sled on its side, pour water in the hole and it works as well. I've been doing this for years with one of the $19 cheapy pullers and haven't bent or broken it yet and the clutch comes off with relative ease.
