Got my new Kimpex Track and..

sxr70001 said:
Looks good Blue!

Just a few procedural points since I will be taking my skid out soon.

Do you have your sled hanging from the ceiling our something? Guess what I'm asking is what is the best method for supporting the sled or do you just tip it over? Also, what do you cut the track with? hacksaw?

Any other tips. I just changed U-joints on my truck last night and don't like laying on the concrete so much anymore either.

I have a 12 volt electric winch mounted to the ceiling with a spare battery on the side.Works great,better then a block and tackle system which I had before.It is instant.I put a used drive belt around the rear bumper and clevis and bolt thru and hook my cable end to the bolt.Great for lining up the susspension,can loer or raise a tad at a time.Buy cutting track you mean to get the track off quickly??To get my old track off just used a sharp utility knife and cut across the track..takes like 10 seconds and the track falls off.
I am really getting good at removing chaincase and suspension now.Went thru everything wioth fine tooth comb and it is all back to original..actually better since I did extra shimming of bushings with thin tin strip to eliminate slope and movement.I will have to break in the track I assume after 50 mile ride.Re tighten/align and re torque studs just to be on the good side.Can't wait to try her out when there is a good base of snow.I will take it easy on this no more full power take offs on little snow with dirt below it..that will wreck the lugs maybe.It is hard not to always pin it..but will have to learn to be selective where I launch from to .Others have chimmed in that they had great success with this track,so by next summer I will let you guys know how the track stands up..
A couple of bucks said:
It's clipped every third then? Holy cow, a 1.25 track that's 32 lbs. That is great!
you know what,I think I made a mistake..the traxtion only comes in a .750 and 1 inch lug.The 32 lbs I read was for a Tomahawk track...don't know the weight of the Traxtion..should of weighed it when it was out..
bluemonster1 said:
you know what,I think I made a mistake..the traxtion only comes in a .750 and 1 inch lug.The 32 lbs I read was for a Tomahawk track...don't know the weight of the Traxtion..should of weighed it when it was out..

Ya know, I looked at those Tomahawks and there were reviews elsewhere that shunned me away from them w/ a Yamaha.
04-648-100 - 1.0" Arctic/Ski-Doo/Polaris/Yamaha Track

Designed for the snowmobiler who wants the safety and traction of a studded track but is uncomfortable with drilling or burning holes for studding. Polyester reinforced construction. Pre-molded 144 hole pattern with 36 scratch lines. The area around the stud holes are reinforced to help prevent studs from pulling through under heavy stress.

Weight: 41
DrivePitch: 2.52"
Pitch: 48
Width: 15"
Length: 121"
ProfileHeight: 1.000"

Suggested Retail Price: $539.99
Our Price: $419.99
According to Royaldistributing, .750 (1/2") track is 36lb. and 1 incher is 38lbs. I have had the 1" Ultimate Traxtion 144 pre-drilled track on my SRX7 for the last five years, looks like new, no tear throughs or missing lugs or track clips. I agree with Netefrog, "you are going to love it".
WOW!!!! 5 years..that sounds super man.My Predator only made it 4 seasons and was ripping lugs everywhere.Maybe it's the rider that destroys will take her easy good news...
