What was your first sled you rode on?

1970 AMF skidaddler, gotta love factory kickstand, blinkers, and Cigar lighter! blazer orange also!
1972 Suzuki 250

Hit 30 miles an hour and it would start snaking hit 40 and it would try to spin out. Then I graduated to a 81 yamaha 440 ss with kangaroo studs and clutch kit. Would carry skis about 50 yards.
ViperTom said:
a 1973 Scorpion Super Stinger 400 with the cool metallic red hood and seat.

My dad had one of them Stinger 400's too! Paint & seat were cool! ;)!
We also had a 75 433GP Yamaha too!
the first sled i rod on was my dads 1982 bravo.I still remember that day real well lol my dad fell of the back

Still have that bravo and it still runs great :WayCool:

82 bravo
92 phazer II
97 ZR 440
00 MM 600
00 sxr 700
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My First Sled I rode was a 1979 Yamaha 440 exciter. It was my Dads. Man I thought that thing was fast. It was also light and he kept it in Cherry condition until my brother and I got a hold of it. He also had a 1974 340 Artic Cat Cheetah with a kawasaki engine. He rebuilt that sled for us kids and we procceeded to destroy that one too.

Now I hava an SRX 700 and this sleds flys but is a B#tch when I get it stuck. Josh
Started out on a Kitty cat,then to a Evinrude then to a Moto Ski Sonic 340 then a few years off the 97 SX700 and to now a 00SRX.
Ist sled

My first ride was a 16 hp Ski Doo, 399 SKi Doo Nordic, 18hp Larsen, 340 TNT and then my first real sled a 1978 440 Exciter and all Yammers since then!
1968 polaris colt 18hp park bench for a seat,i was so small that my dad started it for me one day and the throttle stuck and he didnt let go of the recoil and it dragged him across the front yard, sorry dad but i love ya!.he was mad and said if i want to ride it i half to learn how to start it.but then he bought me and my brother a ski doo olympic i didnt get much seat time on the doo,my bro hogged it all the time.but move up to 340 enticer, but i blew it up,then a phazer,94-96 v-max 600's my brother owned a 97 v-max xt 500 and the sx 700,oh also had a suzuki sled cant remember the name but it was a 440 artic cat powered,i beleive, a evinrude,dolphin. my dream sled back when i was young though was a mercury sno twister,man i love the twisters..
My 1st sled was a 73 Super Stinger 400 with the bogey rail suspension and my brother had a 73 440 Stinger with the bogey.....still remember mine being faster...LOL

I also had a 72 Panther that me and my brother rebuilt
then a 76 TX340 free air that needed some surgery....
onto a 83 SRV and 82 SS440
87 Exciter
91 Exciter II
95 Vmax 600
97 XTC 600
97 SX700
99 SRX700
01 SX-R 700
03 RX1
05 RX1.....and you know the rest of the story ....LOL

Good old days...:D
My first ride was on a 1980 Yamaha 300 Enticer, but around that same time I was riding 1972 Scorpion, 1979 Scorpion LIL whip, 1976? 340 Enticer. My first sleds were 1983 John Deere 440 Sportfire and 1984 John Deere 440 Liquifire...now that sled could move! Not sure how accurate, but that speedo would read 106 on the lake!
My first ride on a sled was around 3yrs old. Hell, I remember holding on the the middle of the handlebars for dear life and from then on I was hooked.....oh yeah, the sled was a 1976 polaris tx 440. That sled was wide for its day and pretty fast...On the other hand, my first sled I drove was a 1976 polaris tx 250
twiters kick butt in racing, man i use to just drool when i saw a nice picture of a twister,thanks blue chicago for taking me back to my childhood...
