C & a Razor VS. TRX Trail


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
My ski search continues :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| :o| Gil got me thinking about the C & A's again. Does anyone have any personal experience with either of these ski's . I know a ton of people love the razors and run them but was more interested on how the Trail ski's match up. Easier steer, bite in the corners, darting ext...... Will be running bergstrom skegs for sure no matter what ski i come up with. Not a lot of info on the TRX ski's. Thanks for any info guy's. Chris
I have the C&A Pro Trail X Skis and I like them. They seem built really good and have that point and shoot feel. The keel is nice and deep.
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I'm running razors on my viper with 8 in shaper's. Steering effort was increased a bit, but i don't think a girl would complain about it. I'm gonna try some 6 in shapers and see how i like them. This ski really bites, holds it's line and instills confidence in the rider over the stock ski.
c&a skis

I have a set of c&a pro advantage x that i had on my 2000 srx700 and loved them, sold my sled last year, didn't sell the ski's with the sled I live in freeland if you want to check them out before making any decisions p/m me if you want.
I've run the Trail X for 3 seasons now, and on 2 different sleds...great ski, plenty of bite, and they don't really dart....plus they are cheaper than the Razors and will perform almost the same....the major difference is the outer keels...the Razor has larger V shaped ones on the very outside of the ski while the Trail X's are smaller, half round ones, that are closer to the main keel..the main keel is the same depth one both skis. The Razor also doesn't taper like the Trail X does so it may float a bit better off trail..but not much.....I'd go with the Trail X simply for cost reasons..save yourself the extra $80-100.
I rock CA Razors on both my sleds and Id never ever go wioth anything else....

Tried smaller USI's on the exciter, but then ultimately went to CA's like on my srx
My Viper has C and A's on it Chris. I was told by the gentleman that owned it before me that the C and A's were quite awesome.
I have the XT model and they were quite hard to turn with a single carbide setup. This year I am running triple points with ski savers and shims so I hope it's better. They turn in any kind of snow though, no matter how loose.
I have C&A trail skis and they work great. Use them with 6in carbides. The combination of these skis and converting to a cobra track pretty much eliminates darting and is quick in the corners.

I should add though that the narrow width of the trail ski does not float well off trail.
I never had a problem with the trail ski's on my old SX. They worked well everywhere I pointed them in the UP, even off trail. Rode the powerlines with them a few times and they hung on well. Cornering was never an issue either.. even on ice covered with loose snow. Get the trail skis and enjoy the handling.
