98,99 vs 2000 and up?


New member
Oct 1, 2011
antioch, il
i just picked up a 98 srx 700 with 1200 miles for $1400, i have a friends selling a 2001 with 2000mi for 2500. My question is; is there enough of a difference speedwise and whatever else to sell this one for $2000 and spend the extra 500 for a newer one or not?

Thanks in advance
x2, 2000 and up are faster but not by alot, even 98-99 are quick... but the better headlight is really worth having, and the 01 and 02s also had the dual knob controls for the hand and thumb warmers instead of both on one dial
Not to concerned about the headlight the previous owner did an hid upgrade and its already brighter then my dads f7 with silverstars(shines blue to so everyone knows what is coming). But wouldn't mind the extra speed as I do mostly lake riding. How much of a difference would there be in say 1000ft and top speed. 01 is bone stock with 144 picks. 98 has bender clutch, v force 2 reeds with spacers, cold air mod, adjustable transfer rods, and a ripsaw track. Not looking to put much money into either one just ride maintain and enjoy.
catch 22 i guess, yours with all them mods will take the stock 01 so if u did it u would have to put some money into it to be as fast as ur 98. if both sleds had the same stuff the 01 would be a little quicker but not by alot, due to the better electronics and compression is a little higher i think on the 01.
in my experience the power of the 00 and up is noticeable, ive never lost to the 99 yet its always a toss up to my 2000 and my 2001 and my brother - in -laws 01
Thanks for all the responses I think ill keep what I have and do a trail port and shave the heads almost the same cost as upgrading to the 01 but ill have a nice reliable sled thats got more power then the 00 and up sleds anyways
