01 srx 700 crapping out


New member
Jan 14, 2011
been trying to figure out this problem 01 srx 700 all last season
sled is crapping out on top end barely getting 7000 rpm
but on mild days like -5 degrees celsius it runs excellent getting full rpms around 8500
power valves and tps o.k and adjusted to specs,
by-passed tors,checked and cleaned carbs several times, reeds are new also replaced stator and plug caps.Compression is even at 120 and good fire on each cylinder.
fuel pump is not pushing fuel very good though. when cranking its barely flowing with the air box out and making it very hard to start.
around 15 pulls in any temperature.
I sure could use some help on this one as winter is almost here THX.
When you cleaned the carbs did you remove the needle/seat and check/clean the inlet screens or "top hat" filters? Although not typically temp related, partially plugged sceens can affect fuel delivery during high demand.
bmm350 said:
been trying to figure out this problem 01 srx 700 all last season
sled is crapping out on top end barely getting 7000 rpm
but on mild days like -5 degrees celsius it runs excellent getting full rpms around 8500
power valves and tps o.k and adjusted to specs,
by-passed tors,checked and cleaned carbs several times, reeds are new also replaced stator and plug caps.Compression is even at 120 and good fire on each cylinder.
fuel pump is not pushing fuel very good though. when cranking its barely flowing with the air box out and making it very hard to start.
around 15 pulls in any temperature.
I sure could use some help on this one as winter is almost here THX.
it will be very hard to start any sled cold with no airbox ...

second it sounds like a carbueration problem you may want to clean the carbs and flush fuel again
I'm not trying to start the sled without the airbox.
I pulled the hoses off the carbs and cranked it over several times to check the flow coming out of the hoses which is barely flowing,just to say there is gas dripping out.
bmm350 said:
I'm not trying to start the sled without the airbox.
I pulled the hoses off the carbs and cranked it over several times to check the flow coming out of the hoses which is barely flowing,just to say there is gas dripping out.

Take a good look at the pulse line to the pump for cracking. Even then, it may be hard to see a crack/leak in the hose. To ensure there are no leaks pull it off, plug one end and draw on it from the other end with a vacuum pump or your lips sealing it with your tongue and check to see if the vacuum produced holds.

Sideshowbob did some testing of pumps for hard start issues. You may want to search -hardstart SRX- and have a look at his findings.

I had issues with bowl priming after storage and found cranking speed affected the amount of fuel delivered. In other words, I pull the plugs when trying to fill the flaot bowls and the added cranking speed (not having to pull against cylinder pressure) gets them (or, at least two of three) filled with two to three pulls.

Up 'til then I'd prime the cylinders with pre-mix to get it lit for the first time.

...and I don't see having the airbox removed contributing to a hard start on a carb'd motor. At least I've never seen it.
On my 2002 SRX I found the same issue of very little flow from fuel lines when pulling the sled over. I tried a brand new older style 98 SRX fuel pump and the same issue was present. I then installed a 1999 SX 700 "Red head" fuel pump and the fuel flowed out of the fuel lines at a much higher rate when pulling the motor over.
I have been using the"Red Head' fuel pump on my SRX for a few years now + 1000s of miles with no issues.

Worked for me

