got a 2003 viper cleaned the exhuat vavles on screw broke


New member
Oct 15, 2011
hi got a 2003 viper on exhaust vavle one bolt broke off in head on the side close to chain case the other three are fine is this a major problem should i replace the hole head on it please help cant get bolt out tryed but need to no if i need to replace that head before i ride thanks guys :dunno:
My best advise for ya if you are not able to get to the proper tools is to take it to a machine shop. They will get it out and wont charge ya much. I snaped off a exhaust stud in the jug. Spent a ton of money on tools and still couldnt get it out. Took the jug off and brought it to a machine shop. They had it out before i could even get back home and only charged me like $15 bucks if i remember right. You will need to take head off and then that jug which is a PIA for just cleaning exhaust valves but things happen. Just remember to drain coolant if you go that route. Way cheaper then a new jug!!! And to answer your original question i would not run it with one bolt missing. run the risk of leak and burndown due to lean condition.
These things happen...its all part of doing your own maintenace.
There is always a silver lining to these things...its summer so you have time to fix it and you can chock it all up to a learning experience...LOL...that cylinder probably needed new rings anyway.
If its cracked you are going to have to eiher repair it properly or replace it. There is only one way to fix it and that is the right way. I would suggest you advertise on the classified wanted section for a cylinder and replace it, pickup a set of rings a few gaskets and you will be set for the season.


problem is would have to weld then drill and tap it not sure that would work
