2001 srx or 2004 viper S ???Can't decide!

Well,I just got home from my 7 hr. ride(RI to NY).I ended up buying the Viper S (hope I made right choice ).It has 2,019 mi. on the speedo.The machine is in great overall condition,just needs to be detailed.Should I have machine serviced by dealer or get a good shop manual and do it myself? I have decent wrenching ability,but don't want to screw anything up that could harm the machine.I'm missing one trailing arm decal.Does anyone know where I could get one?I will be posting some pictures soon.Before and after my detail job. ;)!
I would do the work myself with the manual. It'll get you and your new toy started off on the right foot, besides there's lots of us on here to help if you get stuck. The decals you can order from Yamaha. One note. Be careful with your hood enblems. I know that one side (can't remember if left or right) is no longer available. I looked into those emblems for a custom faux viper s project I was considering. Gil
congrats, both are nice sleds, im sure you will b happy. and the vipers do really run good, just not as much power as an srx, thats only a problem for people who have already been used to an srx and went to a viper. i love both of them sleds. there are manuals cheap even on ebay, even some good stuff in the tech section here, and lots of help from members, good luck
PM me your email and I can send you the manual I got from someone on here. It's not totally complete but it had everything I needed. Gil
You did well with the Viper. I guess viper and SRX owners are biased when it comes to looks, but I think the Viper is still the meanest looking sled out there. It's looks are a bit more refined than the SRX. You can't beat the look of the Viper headlights!!!
SRX obviously has you in power, but a few more MPH doesn't matter... you're still in for trouble if something goes wrong at 110MPH vs. 114MPH.
but the dual bulb SRX headlight looks SEXY.The SRX has that mean look to it hands down...and that sound..well can't compare to a Viper.



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Bluemonster 1... Dual headlight on the SRX is way better than the 1, but still not as sleek and aggressive as the viper headlights... I don't think there's any question about that! (I guess it's owner bias though :D) I know lots of SRX owners that still like the look of the viper better, but they want those triple pipes and extra HP.
Nope, a Viper can't compete with the sound of an SRX... you got that one right! :)
Should we start a pool on how long before the Vipers got triples on it? :mrgreen:
First snowfall tonight.Expecting 8 to 12".Gave me the fever to snap a couple of shots of the new toy! These are before shots.I will post more pics when I get her the way I like her. ;)!
I have to say I love my Viper and she has been very good to me. I have put on over 12,000 khm on her and have only had one incident. She pulls good and has lots of power. It is one hell of a trail riding machine... I do want triple pipes for her though, a little extra power doesnt hurt untill you crash..lol..
02 srx

Looking at either an 02 Viper or an 02 SRX. Are their any issues that the srx's are known to have? Anything that I need to look out for? I appreciate any reply, thanks.
switch said:
Looking at either an 02 Viper or an 02 SRX. Are their any issues that the srx's are known to have? Anything that I need to look out for? I appreciate any reply, thanks.

cracked/broken w-arms, pulled through powervalves, harness rub throughs, dirty carbs. do a search, countless threads on the subject
Id have to say That the viper is a better looking sled for younger people (me) but the SRX posted previously was pretty darn nice! And either sled that is purchased is going to last a ling time the tripples always do. I had a 98 V max that i put 19,000 miles on and never touched the engine. Still had the original head gasket.
Ive owned both of these sleds...although i am a speed freek the viper s is my choice.The srx is a blast on flat trails/lakes,on anything else it beats you to hell.The viper s will hold its own on the lake and is WAY better on the rough trails.
