Trailboss 03 Viper
New member
I'm looking for a new chrome windshield for my 04 Viper S.The one I have on now is scratched up pretty good. I called Powermadd directly looking for one.I know they discontinued this shield, but I was hoping to get lucky. Not a chance.I told representative that those shields are high demand. They told me,they didn't sell enough of them.All of their shields for Vipers are blue. I guess if you own a blue one, you're all set.@

Sand out the scratches, prime it, paint it, then seal it. Done.
Chrome paints lose a lot of luster if they are not fully cured before sealing. Even then they seem to lose reflectivity so if you go Chrome I would just not seal it. Don't expect it to last long though.
Chrome paints lose a lot of luster if they are not fully cured before sealing. Even then they seem to lose reflectivity so if you go Chrome I would just not seal it. Don't expect it to last long though.
New member
Go to Shadetree Powersports. I know they aren't a sponser but they do have the cobra windshields. I'm sure one of the sponsers on this site carry them too. Just a thought
Trailboss 03 Viper
New member
I've been searching for hours on the phone and web and I can't even find a low black shield.How sad is that!
yamaha still makes one for the viper(low solid black).
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Hey not to bust your chrome bubble but weren't people having issues with the chrome windys? Reflected light melting harnesses?
SXRider7Hundo said:Hey not to bust your chrome bubble but weren't people having issues with the chrome windys? Reflected light melting harnesses?
not the wire harness but the guage pod or plastic peice that holds the speedo,etc. the sunlight will refract thru it and melt the plastic if left sitting in the sun, kinda like a magnifying glass does, melts the

Trailboss 03 Viper
New member
The chrome windshield thats on my sled now has a white coating on inside protecting it from any sun/light damage.Very simple concept.Maybe to expensive to produce?If I can't find a new chrome,I'll have to settle for black.
New member
I have a low chrome (new) and a low black used in excellent shape I'd like to sell. PM me.