my 02 SRX vs Mountain Cat

them Cats are 3 cylinder 4 strokes..turbo ..light weight like 430 lbs and 2012 sled of the year for mountain and deep snow.They are pushing 177 HP and all new chassis,front ends and suspension.WOW!! BRP's 800 e-tec with their new designed suspension took 2012 best ditchbanger..the nitro didn't get that award.BUT Yamaha won the 2012 Utility sled of the year..What is up with this.??Looks like Cat is pushing for #1 status and they did their homework..If I was looking for a new sled(but not) I would have to say I would pu one off them mountain sleds with turbo...with 177HP and I would be smiling .Is Yamaha even going to challenge the competition or just sit back and watch as we are...
bluemonster1 said:
.Is Yamaha even going to challenge the competition or just sit back and watch as we are...

And thats why we are still riding and have a passion for our 14 model design year old SRXs...waiting for Yamaha to build something we absolutely "Have to own"! I definately am coming close to the end of my patience for the end of that waiting period.
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sideshowBob said:
I think they are twin cylinder??

Type 4-stroke
Displacement 1056 cc
Cooling Liquid
Cylinders Twin w/push-button reverse
Bore X Stroke 98 x 70 mm
Lubrication Dry sump
Ignition Full transistor
Carburetion 46 mm single throttle body EFI
Exhaust Turbocharger with stainless steel muffler
thought I saw the video where the guy claimed it was a triple..If it is a twin and has long is that engine gonna last.Heard some comments on the Cats where they have ring issues....only time will tell then.
aren't the manufacturers getting way overboard on these new designs and power.First of all these sleds are costing a bundle to purchase.Second ..don't they see the economy is slowing down and trend is for the worst to come.Who would in their right mind purchase one of these sleds for only a few months of riding.Eventually it will bite them in the butt..especially if these sleds start developing some major issues like BRP had a few years back with their motors.Time will tell I guess.Again the price of new sleds doesn't turn me on,have a reliable nearly 10 year old SRX that suits me just fine at 1/4 of the cost..
In our riding pack thgis season there will be 2 yami's,2 doos,1 Cat.Like to see who will break down first..if it is one of the new sleds..I would laugh.If it is mine..hey it is almost 10 years old..I shouldn't feel bad about it..but if I had a $15,000 sled and motor blows in I would be pissed.
I dont know what our SRX's costs when they were new cause I couldn't afford one new back then. I was kickin @$$ on a 5 year old mach-z when the 00 srx came out thinkin the same thing you're thinkin about the new sleds now. my point is I bet the costs are somewhat relative.
if sleds prices went up 4 fold in 20 years..wages sure didn't go up 4 times..relative not.At that rate I would need to be making somewhere around $60 to $80 an hour.My 81 SRX was $4000 to buy. An Apex here is around $16,000 plus..taxes in would be around $20,000..Lets make that $100/hr required..... :o| Oh well enough talk about damn sled prices anyways..SRX all the way for me...good for another 10 years of riding at least.By that time they will have Jet Engines on sleds..and the SRX will probably still give them a run for their
I have a fealing that cat might just chew you out another seat warmer!!!At least you will have a sled to test against.

