im going to stary my viper project soon with bender ceramic coated tripples, v-force, clutching, and was planning one using the 01 srx cdi for the retarded timing trying to get back some fuel mileage, and reliability. i am goint to do something for heads also, question is weather i should just do the head mod to the stock heads to equal out compression and use an opticool, or if i should have the srx heads done to use?
i already have both style heads laying here on the shelf so thats not a problem, its just what ones i use. the viper ones would be easier since i wouldn't have to fabricate the coolant rail to work under my hood like i would the srx head and coolant rail, but if the srx head setup is actually any better off i will probably do it. any opinions???
i already have both style heads laying here on the shelf so thats not a problem, its just what ones i use. the viper ones would be easier since i wouldn't have to fabricate the coolant rail to work under my hood like i would the srx head and coolant rail, but if the srx head setup is actually any better off i will probably do it. any opinions???
livewire_101proof said:im going to stary my viper project soon with bender ceramic coated tripples, v-force, clutching, and was planning one using the 01 srx cdi for the retarded timing trying to get back some fuel mileage, and reliability. i am goint to do something for heads also, question is weather i should just do the head mod to the stock heads to equal out compression and use an opticool, or if i should have the srx heads done to use?
i already have both style heads laying here on the shelf so thats not a problem, its just what ones i use. the viper ones would be easier since i wouldn't have to fabricate the coolant rail to work under my hood like i would the srx head and coolant rail, but if the srx head setup is actually any better off i will probably do it. any opinions???
Doesn't answer your question - but seems to me that pulling spark may help with reliability but will adversely affect fuel economy.
Not sure yet but there are a few others out there with similar projects that say they are not bad. They use the retarded timing of an srx cdi and stock srx tripple pipes, im doing the same but with bender tripples cause they fit better and will run near the same rpms as stock srx does. Im sure I will have alot of time into test and tune, jetting and such. Hopefully will get where I want it to be. Less timing should alow for jetting down for mileage, im hoping similar to a ported srx since vipers have alot more porting than stock srx.
When you rejet for this project make sure you use all the SRXs jetting...needles, needle jets, slides, pilots, mains ect...a complete set of SRX carbs off Ebay would be the easiest. Then start rich on the needle clips and main jets.
Keep us posted how it all works out.
Keep us posted how it all works out.
i will, anyone got an idea what needle jets were in the 01 srx the tech section only has the 02 setup. says they were Q6, and that my stock 02 viper ones are P-8. im not sure the diffrence in them or if they are any different from what most use with the ported srx's. thanks
Active member
thanks for the info, im thinkin the jetting like a ported srx will be close to what i want, ive been comparing stock specs of both srx and viper, and from where i think most srx with porting are running is pretty close to stock jetting of a viper, other than that needle jet. not sure if was any diffrence in slides as sideshow bob sugested.
both pilot air jets are 1, both float height are the same but the vipers stock fuel screw is turned out a little more. all this is according to the tech section here. im thinking i won't real far off here.
both pilot air jets are 1, both float height are the same but the vipers stock fuel screw is turned out a little more. all this is according to the tech section here. im thinking i won't real far off here.
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slides are different as well.
you wont be able to run as lean a pilot with those pipes and the srx box. the timing is only different up through. I saw no difference in jetting between the two boxes with my pilots, with the mains, huge difference. with srx pipes and viper box, I needed 165 mains to keep sled from burning down and the sled was a pig on fuel and power. srx box and stock mains vented to the box and made gobs of power, 14mpg and 15 once. Used 40 pilots. I also tried venting outside with stock srx carbs, and stock jetting worked fine with the viper cylinders, 135 compression so I wouldn't worry about viper cylinders being too wild a port.
you wont be able to run as lean a pilot with those pipes and the srx box. the timing is only different up through. I saw no difference in jetting between the two boxes with my pilots, with the mains, huge difference. with srx pipes and viper box, I needed 165 mains to keep sled from burning down and the sled was a pig on fuel and power. srx box and stock mains vented to the box and made gobs of power, 14mpg and 15 once. Used 40 pilots. I also tried venting outside with stock srx carbs, and stock jetting worked fine with the viper cylinders, 135 compression so I wouldn't worry about viper cylinders being too wild a port.
can anyone confirm what cdi box i got? the # is 8dn-20 the numbers under it are F8T37572 0802
i was told when i got it that it came frome a 01 srx about 2 years ago, im trying to use it on the viper right now and it runs fine but throws a code for the temperature sensor according to the 01 srx specs in the tech section. one long flash, then 3 short ones. it only does it with this box, if i put the stock viper box back on it it is fine. wondering if i didnt get something diffrent.
i was told when i got it that it came frome a 01 srx about 2 years ago, im trying to use it on the viper right now and it runs fine but throws a code for the temperature sensor according to the 01 srx specs in the tech section. one long flash, then 3 short ones. it only does it with this box, if i put the stock viper box back on it it is fine. wondering if i didnt get something diffrent.
livewire_101proof said:can anyone confirm what cdi box i got? the # is 8dn-20 the numbers under it are F8T37572 0802
i was told when i got it that it came frome a 01 srx about 2 years ago, im trying to use it on the viper right now and it runs fine but throws a code for the temperature sensor according to the 01 srx specs in the tech section. one long flash, then 3 short ones. it only does it with this box, if i put the stock viper box back on it it is fine. wondering if i didnt get something diffrent.
8DN20 F8T37572 IS THE 2001 SRX CDI BOX...0802 is just a manufacturing number.
The Viper guys[I run SRXs] should be able to help you out with the fix to elliminate the code.
Ahh, just did a search anf found a really old post had good details by betheviper and srxspec with some good pics and everything. Thanks for all the help guys, all the knowledge on this site really saves all of us some headache.
Sounds awsome, not much louder either. The ground for the temp sensor also works with the 330 ohm resistor also. Think imgettin the other carbs anyways but im curiouse to know what the difference is between srx slides and vipers. In the next few days will start on trying the srx coolant rail, dont look like it will b to bad but will make sure before getting the heads done. I am also wondering about headwork, I thought u have to get the domes done, but have heard of some just shaving them the thickness of the gasket and bolt em on.
Viper carb slides have a 1.5 cutaway
SRX 700s have a 2.5 cutaway.
2.5 slide would be leaner with same needles,clip setting,needle jets ect at part throttle
SRX 700s have a 2.5 cutaway.
2.5 slide would be leaner with same needles,clip setting,needle jets ect at part throttle
looking to get the coolant system/srx heads done now. wondering if anyone knows specs on how thick the viper head gaskets are. thought about an opticool but notice that they have diffrent size holes in them im guessing to try to compensate for the viper heads cooling issues so i might be better off with a stocker with the srx head if i go that rout. It doesnt look like much room to shave off the srx head before i get into the chamber and would want them recut(maybee not enough room to compensate for the gasket thickness). so my real question is if anyone has tried or see anything wrong with just giving the heads a groove like the srx jugs have so i can use o rings instead of going the gasket rout. although it may be hard to keep the o-ring in the right spot as i put the head on the jugs (maybee a little silicone to help em stay put till i got em bolted down).
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send them to don pizor, mrviper, he has done many and can remake the chambers to help with some detonation issues at the same time.
I think I am going to get ahold of him sometime, project has been on hold for a while since I have been of work (temporary disability don't pay much) just getting back around now.
Have thought that when I am not trail riding that I would use the viper box for racing as others have done before, I seen an old post that said that the low compression cylinder actually had different timing than the other 2. So I was wondering if anyone knows if this is true, and what timing is for venoms and other 600s with the same plugs on the cdi. Like the early srx guys that used 600 box's, I see in the tech section that venom's use staggered jetting unlike the viper, so i thought that they are not staggered compression and the timing would b equal also.
Have thought that when I am not trail riding that I would use the viper box for racing as others have done before, I seen an old post that said that the low compression cylinder actually had different timing than the other 2. So I was wondering if anyone knows if this is true, and what timing is for venoms and other 600s with the same plugs on the cdi. Like the early srx guys that used 600 box's, I see in the tech section that venom's use staggered jetting unlike the viper, so i thought that they are not staggered compression and the timing would b equal also.
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venoms are redhead motors from the sx. I had no issues with using the viper box for drag racing. I was told by someone on here many years ago about the box but I had never confirmed it for myself.
I didn't figure it would be much of a problem since others have used the viper box. Just thought there might be a gain to using the other box. Guess there goes that idea, I didn't realize vemom's were redheads, thought they were a powervalve motor. Maybes play with programmed srx box if I run across one sometime, better concentrate on other parts first though.
there was a guy on here last year trying to get together enough people to purchase programmable srx/viper cdi boxes. Not sure if he every got enough to do it or not.
Active member
BETHEVIPER said:there was a guy on here last year trying to get together enough people to purchase programmable srx/viper cdi boxes. Not sure if he every got enough to do it or not.
that guy was "Aircraftman" i think