just updating a little on what my setup is now. got a deal on a stock head with the head mod (running 2 layers of opticool) , got the 01 srx cdi, bender vipe ceramic coated tripples. ended up with 52 pilot jets, needles droped to 3.5 right now, 162 mains. still vented to the airbox right now, havent played much yet with venting to atmosphere. this is with stock airbox but air scoops in the hood are removed (may put em back in sometime so see if it helps me with jetting down a little). i havent been able to get it out riding to check fuel milage yet but im thinking its not that far off from piped vipers with stock cdi boxes judging by them jets. im sure i could get more out of clutching but for now was using what i could find around the garage just to make it work and it ended up that just by going to 23/38 gearing and throwing a stock rx1 helix on it and kept everything else in the clutching stock, runs about 8300-8400 then after i get out about 700 feet it picks up to about 8600. this is with a stock track and only have 96 studs (for a few more days) that are wore a bit. my suspension was not setup very well this weekend but since we cant ride a bunch of us were playin in the field here that had a few inches in it. we run 1000 feet and i spun really bad (like 250 feet probably) every time and still was getting a really consistent 89 mph on the gps, (dream-o-meeter said 103). have to play around with better traction and see if i can get better.after i get traction figured out i will try some different clutch setups, i wasnt really impressed but i guess its prety good for as bad as i was spinning and we all had fun. what started out as 2 of my buddies coming down to test/tune their sleds ended up being about 20 or more sleds here all playing since we cant ride here everyone jumped on the idea, lol. made it last all day.
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thought i would ad that that speed wasnt really that bad i guess, nobody else was hooking either and even a few really strong sleds there werent getting much faster, only ones that were alot faster were a couple new turbo cats that claimed 240 hp, think they were a little better than 100mph, another one that claimed 325hp but never got it running good so he wasnt much faster than the other 2
Active member
Is there much snow out there? We have virtually a dusting on the ground....that's it in the Twin Cities metro. There is around a half a foot down by the Iowa border. Parts of Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan are our only choices to ride.
Keep us updated. I find this quite interesting being you are going at this at a different angle than what has been done before. In fact the Bender pipes w/ 00-02 SRX ignition had crossed my mind before being those pipes run at 8500 rpm's.
Keep us updated. I find this quite interesting being you are going at this at a different angle than what has been done before. In fact the Bender pipes w/ 00-02 SRX ignition had crossed my mind before being those pipes run at 8500 rpm's.
exactly why i thought of this setup too, srx timing starts falling off around 8400 and peak for the pipes is 8500-8600 around there. figure if i run peak for the box until top end the timing fals of for the long runs and will b in the peak rpm for pipes also. if nothing else im thinking should be more reliable, was hoping for fuel milage too but not sure about that. seems to have plenty of power so far if i can use it and get it to the ground is the next thing. ran against my dads stock atakk tonight and conditions were a little better so i was hooking a little better (still not near as good as him) and we ran them right up over 100 (on dream-o-meter) and he only had me by about 2 feet every time we ran. cant wait to set my suspension right and start playing with different clutching setups, he will be pissed probably.
not much snow here either, bout 4 inches probably, good snow though so it packs and is ok just for playing in the field like we have been doing, no real riding though. buddy of mine just checked his place in the mountains this weekend and said theres like a foot and they were riding but there were some bare spots to watch for here and there where any of the wet areas are. not the best but may b our only chance for riding this season, near future dont look good for our area
not much snow here either, bout 4 inches probably, good snow though so it packs and is ok just for playing in the field like we have been doing, no real riding though. buddy of mine just checked his place in the mountains this weekend and said theres like a foot and they were riding but there were some bare spots to watch for here and there where any of the wet areas are. not the best but may b our only chance for riding this season, near future dont look good for our area