Stripped Crankshaft Clutch End Help!!

do not use never sieve. the clutch is press fit onto shaft. relies on friction. clutch bolt should be torqued to 90 ft. lbs. then loosened, and retorqued to about 45.
I was just looking thru my spare parts, Worse case scenerio i have the end left over after having my crank rebuilt. it's from a 99srx 700.
Wow im confused??? Did we even determine what threads were mess up? And you cant do anything till that clutch is off. You dont need much of a puller if you use the oil trick but i would still get a new oem one and get that clutch off first. Once off if the crank threads are bad their is most likley enough left to chase them. That shaft end has a lot of thread. If the clutch threads are bad that could be a problem. Ive never seen or dealt with that.
I got the clutch off with a new yamaha puller I picked up. The threads look at little knurled on the end but they seem to still be there So I think I have something to work with If I get a tap to clean them up. Just worried about getting the tap started correctly. I think we'll be alright. I'm getting the tap tomorrow and we'll go from there.

Thanks for all the advice. One of reasons I love this site! ;)!
Cwagner100 said:
I got the clutch off with a new yamaha puller I picked up. The threads look at little knurled on the end but they seem to still be there So I think I have something to work with If I get a tap to clean them up. Just worried about getting the tap started correctly. I think we'll be alright. I'm getting the tap tomorrow and we'll go from there.

Thanks for all the advice. One of reasons I love this site! ;)!

Very cool! Just take your time and dont force anything. I pretty sure you will end up ok on this one! Can you start the clutch bolt at all? I you can the tap should line up just fine!
one trick i read was to load up puller and pour hot water (was boiling) on to clutch (portion that is on crank). have not tried it. makes sense it seems.
I chased the threads and everything ended up fine. Thanks for all your input and hopefully this will never happen again.

On clutches that haven't been off for a while...load the hole up with grease. I know it's messy but the hydraulic action works everytime!
damn it

i had the same problem a couple years ago.. so i called a friend that has had probably a dozen different srx's and he came over to help , we were able to retap the crank but when he asked me if i wanted to buy a clutch or take a risk of wrecking the threads completely getting the old one off... my answer was easy... ask some of these guys the best way to do it but a sawzall and a chisel did it for me
